HAPPY 15th BDAY to the ACA!
We deserve to have healthcare when we are sick w/o going bankrupt & this landmark law has improved healthcare for many Americans. But our work isn't done yet.
We must continue to fight against Republican attempts to repeal and replace it with nothing. #ACASavesLives
We deserve to have healthcare when we are sick w/o going bankrupt & this landmark law has improved healthcare for many Americans. But our work isn't done yet.
We must continue to fight against Republican attempts to repeal and replace it with nothing. #ACASavesLives
We need Universal Healthcare. And put an end to all their threats and the monies they line their pockets with.
Healthcare shouldn't be dangled in our face, while we pay for theirs.......
But that's my opinion
In fact all civilised countries provide an alternative to these choices.
Apart from the USA
Call your Senators and Congress Representatives ☎️202-224-3141