Itsuna Nanistherre, Bard of the Soulfilled Skies
15 January 2025 is the 10th anniverssary since i designed her, so happy early birthday to itsuna!
She has come a long way, she's still my favourite OC
15 January 2025 is the 10th anniverssary since i designed her, so happy early birthday to itsuna!
She has come a long way, she's still my favourite OC
Left = 2015, first time i drew her
Right = 2025, i drew her a few minutes ago!
She has grown as a person and experienced many things in these 10 years, and she will keep going and experience more too!
I want to expand more on my OC's lore this year, so look forward to that~!
I really like how my artstyle has evolved
I'm particularly proud of that i found my own artstyle that feels unique to me, inspired by both western and eastern influences
I think my lineart, colouring, hueshifting, shading, and anatomy improved a lot
What matters is if you're having fun or not!
If you're enjoying expressing yourself through art, then that will make you improve over time