When you assign an alcoholic white supremacist abuser as sec. def you shouldn't expect civility. Hegseth needs to go. If he studied history he would know Mussolini was hung with Claretta Pettaci, Nicola Bombacci, Alessandro Pavolini, and Achille Starace. Mussolini was also the Defense Minister.
And they're getting away with it because so few follow this and media is doing a shit job reporting on it. Too be fair, they're inundated every day with vile policy directives from this Admin and it's hard to get folks to watch the news on a good day.
I suspect this attitude toward non-white service members is going to have a really bad effect on retention and recruitment numbers in our armed forces going forward under the current administration. Something about being discriminated against and disrespected usually drives people away.
Just totally Wrong! A Chainsaw to our History and our combat veterans. But even worse this administration wants a strong military but not to include all who are willing to serve.
Strong men, good men, manly men.
Good luck.