Wish someone could keep track of the taxpayer money being paid to lawyers to defend Trump’s unconstitutional decrees. Wouldn’t be surprised if Trump gets a cut.
I was a State Dept attorney during the Reagan admin & oversaw some USAID programs, such as ones promoting democracy and rule of law, things Trump doesn't like. USAID programs are not just charity. They are intended to further US national interests. Often, the money is spent buying US-made goods.
Sadly Traitor Trump and his band of merry clowns will just blow off the ruling. The Judge requires a non corrupt Justice Department to enforce the order. We don't have one. Former Life Long Republican sends.
It was created under JFK. It may have had bipartisan support many years ago, but today it represents the interests of those screaming the most against abolishing it.
Don't get me wrong, things still look scary, but I'm starting to feel like the tide is turning. Every day, more judges are blocking, halting, and delaying the executive orders and handing Trump more losses.
I don’t think it will matter. He has the DoJ. Hell, he has Congress and the Supreme Court. He is immune to criminal charges while sitting in the Oval Office. At this moment, he is likely the most powerful president in history. I don’t think he is the most powerful man in the world, however. Xi is.
You helped elect a dictator! Hope all that money was worth selling out millions and millions of children not only in the US but around the world.
You must be so proud of yourselves!