Trump has been throwing around the idea of death sentences for drug dealers. He is deporting citizens without due process. Will he say they are dealers and issue the death penalty without due process. We are only days away from death camps in the United States.
This wont stop with immigrants. Remember that maga thinks ALL liberals are criminals and Trump is saying the Biden pardons won’t stand. I also believe this is why he keeps calling Schumer a Palestinian. He is coming after his political enemies along with any citizens who protest.
ICE is operating extra-constitutionally and extra-legally. They are no longer a legitimate law enforcement agency. They are acting like Gestapo and should be treated as such.
We are officially in a facist country. We have a few corrupt, bought off, Supreme Court Justices to thank for the destruction of our democratic republic.
And sean hannity is saying democrats wants murders and gang members in America, that's why we don't want them deported. Hannity cannot understand it's about clarification of who these people actually are. We are worried they'll soon be taking American citizens with no cause.
Is President #Krasnov *really* against the Chinese dictatorship? He's working with China's buddy Russia!
This is a Russian/Chinese attack on the US!
Do not think you are immune, not unless you are kissing Trump's ring.
Gosh, if we only had people that investigated stuff? Could find out what the story is…
Support these guys! (if only for your own safety!)
"It Is Difficult to Get a Man to Understand Something When His Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding It" - Upton Sinclair
And then the net tightens...