A1: I used the flipped classroom model for almost 15 years so a lot of direct instruction videos that students could use for note taking and review. Retired at the end of last year and teacher future teachers now. #EduSkyChat
I can’t read every book I want to read aloud in the library. I often record books that support curriculum for teachers to use in the classroom. Students love it & it helps the teachers. I also do a lot of content creation for classroom projects. Kinda one of my favorite things to do! ❤️
I have created the majority of my lesson plans and all the materials that go along with them. I started teaching STEM 8 or 9 years ago when there was little our no content available.
A1: I have created interactive Google Maps to track the story of Japanese Internment and the Great Migration in U.S. History. I do a lot of editing and rearranging of things than full out building #EduSkyChat
Here is my Japanese Internment activity and Mymap. I haven’t had students make any yet but that’s not off the table. I had them create digital portfolios to track their learning artifacts a couple years back using Google Sites and that took a while to teach.
A1: I create digital journals for my students to use to take notes in on their iPads-- I think it helps guide them on how to take good notes and condenses the content to exactly what they need #EduSkyChat
I think my educational philosophy and system might be very different from most answering this. I like to create my own booklets. These contain succinct explanations that we can use for class reading and a ton of shot questions that ramp in difficulty and are interleaved #eduskychat
A1: I’ve created everything from class blogs to Padlets, Google Sites, art exhibits, custom units, and published books with students — at the core they have allowed students to learn while engaging with their larger academic and non-academic communities for positive impact #EduSkyChat #EduSky
I've dropped this for contracting with students on their research writing individually in recent years.
Here is my Japanese Internment activity and Mymap. I haven’t had students make any yet but that’s not off the table. I had them create digital portfolios to track their learning artifacts a couple years back using Google Sites and that took a while to teach.