And by the way, when you’re so destitute due to the recession , don’t start coming to food pantries,soup kitchens, ect! Those are social programs that display empathy towards people!
This is not all the fault of the trump supporters. The democrats are also responsible. Did you not see 10 Dems who support WHITE SUPREMACY censure a black man!! The democratic party is a corporate owned fuckin' joke.
I've seen videos on news site where they interview people who voted for the Orange Mess, and they express their regrets. FYI - I knew all this garbage would happen, and that's why I voted for Kamala.
The so dumb thing about Trump is that he predicted the economic slowdown as a function of his tariffs and "growing pains." Now that the correction and negative GDP are real he OWNS IT.
Don't count your chickens when eggs are a dollar a pop.
Let's see, when was the last time 401Ks were 201Ks?
When another Republican President lied to us first about weapons of mass destruction, then The 2008 financial crisis bringing the Great Recession.
I guess history is repeating itself... NOT in a good way!
This isn’t rocket science people. Tax the rich and corporations at the same rate as the rest of us, eliminate the payroll tax cap, eliminate deductions. Bingo, government funded, medicaid/medicare/SS fully funded. DOGE can get F’ed and we the people have a happy life.
The problem is, they are happy with the way things are turning out. All I needed was one day around my brother to be reminded they want this. They want to be more authoritarian. They want, as my brother put it, for people to get rid of the phobia they have of a dictatorship.
Whenever somebody tells him on Facebook that he voted for this, he goes that he did and that he will do it again and again. It is funny considering he keeps telling people that Trump is never going to leave office until the day he dies and that we better just suck it up. They do not care.
My brother also reminded me how much he is loving the stock market crashing, how we are getting rid of all these federal workers that cost money and taxes that he does not want to pay, and the fact that we are losing our allies and gaining axis friendships to him is great. He loves it!
He is my brother and he has a good heart when it comes to family but it is so hard to be around him and I don't have a choice at the moment. At least he gives me insight into what the other side thinks and how they feel about what's going on. My brother supports fascism. He blames Democrats though
He says that if the Democrats hadn't been so fascist already, he wouldn't have been so inclined but he thinks it takes one to destroy one. And make no mistake, they want Democrats completely out and never put in office again even if it means doing it through fascist ways.
Just curious: what exactly has the democrats done to your brother? I get that you only have two parties but one of them is openly supporting billionaires and loathes the poor. The other are not.
My parents are long gone. My mother was more progressive and my father was racist (especially Mexicans and African Americans), hated the LGBTQA community, and hated welfare. We see who each of us took after lol
The new colonization. They are already destroying social security. It will be privatized. This is the new Network State. We need Williams & Connolly to win. All firms! Supreme Court Justices to win. Swing states… We cannot function if we are only as strong as our weakest link. We need to step up!
The orange lunatic didn't appear on camera today because of his crash. How many people would give up half their market value if they never have to see that traitorous moron again? #Disappear
The ignorant ones haven’t the slightest clue what is happening let alone watching the economy tank. All they care about is their white and think they will be saved by billionaires. The ignorance is laughable 🤬
Want to do something to help flip the house? Volunteers are needed to phone bank for the Florida special election.
We can make a difference!!
Please share this post. 💙
I will help you pushed them in the fire of hell!
I am Canadian, I hate them for doing this to the world 🤮
Fuck you Maga I hope you Medicare is cut off😡
Of course not for the good people ☺️
and please I do not want to hear “ oh but there are good people on both sides shit 💩 @
Bien d’accord avec toi, on doit s’armer de patience car je crois que le pire n’est pas encore arrivé 😡
Notre pays est tristement convalescence de ses habitants, pour mieux y revenir 😊
The economy tends to bleed over administration lines because usually things take time. The GOP knows this and harp on bad economics they caused at the beginning of dem admins and brag economic numbers inherited from Dems at the start of theirs. That trump tanked things so fast is very foreboding.
Since this is everyone's first cult, allow me to offer some education.
they will listen to whatever their feurer says, they are in too deep now and will never pivot.
When will you all understand, THEY WILL BLAME THE DEMS
I would love to see every idiot who thought they were voting for a business genius to be forced to sit like Malcolm McDowell in A Clockwork Orange in front of a monitor showing the rapid fall of the markets. Make them sit there the entire Trumpcession while it totally decimates their retirement.
Yep, no more 'Sleepy Joe' jibes, more Orange Clown
cock-ups! OK Trump plugs, prepare yourselves for a very bumpy ride!
With any luck, not for long! The fat oaf's time is up!
You do know that most Trump supporters don’t own stocks, right? They live paycheck to pay check or on Medicare or Medicaid. They are sure that rich people are super smart. They are the people rich egomaniacs sell snake oil to.
The super rich are just clever enough to realise they have enough money to get top end solicitors; accountants; brokers/advisors. That's all the 'clever' they need to be. 😞
The crooks took our pensions and gave us an opportunity to put our money in the stock market. Then idiots like Trump tear the ass out of the stock market.
The Logic of Fascism:
Blame-Shifting Becomes the Default Response
Every failure, every societal problem, every personal insecurity is redirected onto “the other.”
Neither the individual nor the in-group is ever at fault—every weakness, every instability is blamed on an external force.
It wasn't Trump supporters alone. It was also all those non-voters we have to thank for this. Trump said he would do this. Did people REALLY think it would have been worse with Kamala?🤔
Yup! I know many that didn’t vote in protest over Palestine. I totally get where they’re coming from BUT..tried to convince them it would be much worse under Trump and we would end up being the country in the midst of war on our own soil. Not voting or 3rd party is dumb. Not the moment to protest.
Unless......unless.....this is Donny and his crew's method for getting prices down so the wealthy wherler-dealers can buy low!!!!!! Let's wait and see how this plays out!
Yeah let's take a breath. I don't want to hurt resisters they we have it hard enough at the moment. But I fought my ass off since 2017 and have a hard time grasping how it still happened.
That includes large farm owners who previously received hundreds of thousands of dollars per farm to offset losses from Trump's previous tarrifs and voted for Trump again in 2024 and are already crying for Americans to pay for their government subsidies to offset Trump's tarrifs and their stupidity
they don’t care. they believe it is a necessary crunch to “even everything out” they won’t care until after all their resources are cut off and their tv electricity is gone
They believed a worst character, (perpetual liar, a 3X dogged drafting, a convicted rapist, a 6 time bankruptcies, a tax cheater, an incompetent Fmr President, mismanaged COVID19 killing >1M Americans, a classified doc stealer, a multiple charged on crimes) to manage their future, finances & health!
We only fix this nation (if it even possible) by continuing to shame them for they did. They voted eyes wide open this time. They are either fascist/racist/misogynistic/homophobic/jingoistic reprobates, it they’re incredibly ignorant. There is no other explanation.
Donald Trump and his whole administration is totally incompetent, disgraceful and detestable! Our country has become an embarrassment. Further, every single Republican in Congress is an utter coward and political hack! They are spineless minions and should go straight to hell! Sickening...🤮
Trillions and trillions of dollars lost in 401Ks, IRAs, family savings, retirement savings, etc. because of Trump tariffs and policies.
Thanks Trump/Elon/MAGA.
The problem with the MAGAts is they only see what their idol tells them to see. The sane population knows that disaster is looming, but we're helpless to stop it
I think it is time that everyone who voted for Trump to put a red hat on for now on so they can be ashamed and/or explain what makes being a traitor to allies, firing rangers and gutting cancer research being so golden? Also why they support Russia over Europe would be good to hear.
Actually we can all fairly place the blame on the Christian Right.
If the Christians weren't so desperate to force their false religion on America we wouldn't be here.
If the religious weren't so easy to manipulate by the wealthy we wouldn't have Trump or Putin running our country.
But let’s not forget that Putin owns Trump. Musk owns Trump. What role does China play? It’s a web of greed and sociopathy and white supremacy with a dab of christo-fascism all woven together. They know the make up of the voters, their fears and hatreds…just wind them up and here we are…
China's only role is to take advantage of any strategic weakness that results in Vladimir Putin's take over of America. Christian fascism is the fundamental driving force.
Christianity has always been a fascist religion. This is why we have separation of church and state.
The stock market indicates consumer confidence and overall economic health. The market has lost $4 TRILLION in value since Trump became president. A telling indication of consumer confidence in the economy and Trump. Of course, as always, he'll deny responsibility for any of his actions.
Let's not forget economic crisis played a big part in another very similar group rising to power almost 100 years ago in Germany and we should probably be doing more than just laughing about how stupid they are.
That's why we need the best long-term strategic minds on this. The foreign penalties placed on Germany after WW1 contributed to the discord giving rise to Hitler. We want MAGAts to suffer for their sins, but not us. We cheer when foreign states trash Trump, but we want them to like us.
Trump tries to create the same situations that gave rise to his mentor, but he wants to win, and not ducks start a pistol in some bunker. We need to out guess him. How?
We can't hold MAGAts accountable, without also holding accountable the Democrats for failing to stop them. Democrats present the illusion of an opposition, while doing nothing to actually oppose. The failures of the Republicans are obvious, but the Democrats are just as much to blame.
I agree, both parties are addicted to money and power. I just fear MAGATs will get bailed out (farmer subsidies, for one example) with increased debt, shrug their shoulders & continue to support him. Plutocrats could "give" to their side, while we suck wind. Same as 1930s: a favored people go "Meh".
It's the same situation as the MAGAts that you despise. The Democrats lie to their voters and mislead them. This is how the elite class maintains control and sows division to keep us from coming together and breaking free.
We haven't had a gov of, by, & for the people since Reagan convinced them they were the problem, not the solution, reduced taxes on plutocrats & sold the gov to them. When Occupy, et al presented a threat, they appointed a fascist errand boy to keep their human resources in check.
Yes, Dems were greedy too. But until you have a proposal to buy our country back, Dems are the most persuadable. Just as Republicans fear MAGATs, Dems can be made to fear us.
I really feel it was more around the time of the JFK assassination that the wealthy decided we were done governing ourselves and they were going to govern for us. Change had to be gradual and slow, like the frog in the pot of boiling water theory. Reagan was the water reaching boiling point.
Is anyone really surprised?!
Dumb dumb Donald
Putin’s pal.
Don't count your chickens when eggs are a dollar a pop.
When another Republican President lied to us first about weapons of mass destruction, then The 2008 financial crisis bringing the Great Recession.
I guess history is repeating itself... NOT in a good way!
They didn’t vote
They don’t like politics
They don’t watch the news
Then they get sucker punched because they didn’t know what was coming down the pipeline
Protect yourself, save your nickels and secure your capital
I like being awake and inclusive. Them? They scream "unfair" a lot but pretty sure their brains are sleeping through the Trumpocalypse.
We can make a difference!!
Please share this post. 💙
Burn in hell for the eternity MF imbeciles.
I am Canadian, I hate them for doing this to the world 🤮
Fuck you Maga I hope you Medicare is cut off😡
Of course not for the good people ☺️
and please I do not want to hear “ oh but there are good people on both sides shit 💩 @
Notre pays est tristement convalescence de ses habitants, pour mieux y revenir 😊
All day. Every day.
that doesn’t effect 1/2 of them as much as egg prices.
they will listen to whatever their feurer says, they are in too deep now and will never pivot.
When will you all understand, THEY WILL BLAME THE DEMS
Now they are blaming Biden for the stock market under Trump.
cock-ups! OK Trump plugs, prepare yourselves for a very bumpy ride!
With any luck, not for long! The fat oaf's time is up!
I prefer a pension and no Trump.
“ I’m suffering..”
Blame-Shifting Becomes the Default Response
Every failure, every societal problem, every personal insecurity is redirected onto “the other.”
Neither the individual nor the in-group is ever at fault—every weakness, every instability is blamed on an external force.
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Also not factual, but wishful thinking.
Live market red (selling)
But, we're now in our forth week of slide.
ColdBrew daily recap:
#NoQuarter for Trump voters.
Quit fuckin the kids!!!!
Thanks Trump/Elon/MAGA.
Fuck those traitors
I HAVE had enough!!
If the Christians weren't so desperate to force their false religion on America we wouldn't be here.
If the religious weren't so easy to manipulate by the wealthy we wouldn't have Trump or Putin running our country.
Christianity has always been a fascist religion. This is why we have separation of church and state.
And yes, I'm laughing at you: