I grew up here - it’s a beautiful place. I’m a very blue dot in a very red state and I’m a teacher. We always have to fight to get anything - better pay (ha!) smaller class sizes, etc. and now our super majority Repub patriarchy can make all the decisions. It’s disgusting.
I get it. I’ve never lived in a red state where the leaders tried to hurt their own constituents and state. It’s unbelievable for me. Fortunately, I’m retired in a blue state but with MAGA at the helm in DC I’m hunkered down pessimisticly optimism if that makes any sense.
I’ve been there. I just couldn’t live there with Republicans doing their dirty deeds and making life miserable for those who want to live there. I came from a big city with every culture, socioeconomic background, religion and so on. It’s twilight zone for me when other cities are so sterile.
I lived there six months last year. As a gay dude, I chose to live in the central gay-friendly area of SLC. I can't say in six months I ever noticed any state policies that affected me much less made life miserable. For a conservative state, they have a lot of progressive community policies.
Beautiful state, fucked up people.