Being famous for writing dissenting opinions on all the votes she lost? Staying on the court so long that she dies during a republican administration and loses a seat to the republicans for a generation? What exactly are we looking to RGB for here?
What does her collar have to do with RBG at all?
Like if you legitimately like her collar that's cool. Don't pretend like it's any sort of meaningful act of resistance by someone in power when it's just performative and unhelpful in any substantive way. Not saying you're doing that but people are.
I guess I'm less judging her, and more judging every single person who is championing this as some amazing active resistance when it's literally nothing. If it works for her personally, fine. Resistance libs acting like this is powerful annoy me.
Like if you legitimately like her collar that's cool. Don't pretend like it's any sort of meaningful act of resistance by someone in power when it's just performative and unhelpful in any substantive way. Not saying you're doing that but people are.