*A smile drew across her lips.* Hello, Prince Aerion of Westeros. I wish you and your people well. *Again her cocked as she attempted to recall the location of the country of Westeros. She had heard of so many. But none by that name.* My dear Prince, I have yet to hear of the country of Westeros. ~
Funny she had not heard of westeros, it was a distance away tho.
Not one to back down Aerion leaned forward a bit as he spoke slowly and directly to her.
His eye's locked with hers .
"First please call me Prince Aerion, second
With that he crossed his arm's together and waited in momentary silence.
He would speak of his home land if she also answered his questions.
He was also sent hear for a reason for a purpose wich he would revel in time.
He was suprised to see a Queen tho no Queen had ruled westeros, but Aerion was ++