~ not in jest.* I do not despise her. I just wish we could work together as one. *He mentioned guards accompaning her wise.* They follow me everywhere. I have had attempts upon my life many times. Even before I arrived in France. My food taster in Scotland died. My cousin was the mastermind behind ~
Two warring Queens at war, Queen Mary sounded like the better Queen.
He wondered what started this war, why this other Queen wanted to rule the know world.
As Mary stopped Aerion stopped to face her. ++
"I have a dragon who could easily slay your enemies "
Aerion doubted there were such things as dragon's in England.
But one never knows since this was a unknown land to him.
He only hoped he could find what he had came for.
My enemies would not know what hit them. That is if I would be able to use your dragon against them.
As they walked he took in her ever word he was a good judge of character and knew she told the truth.
As he stopped for a moment he turned to face her, he had more questions he needed to answer. ++