*She took the kerchief and dabbed her eyes.* Thank you, Dear Aerion. You listen to me moreso than most. *He began speaking of something of "The Cannibal."* What is this "Cannibal" you speak of? And how can it destroy my enemies? *Her eyes furrowed. He then mentioned not murdering innocents. The ~
~ Queen's eyes widened.* Innocents? I would never wish Innocents killed. They are my people. My husband and I care for our people more than most nobles. *It was indeed true.* We do not conscript our people into war if need be. We ask for volunteers. If we do not have enough, we then must do so. ~
"Hear, take this please for your tears "
Aerion took in Mary's words and came up with a idea.
His idea could work if all go's right .
War was messy he knew this after fighting in the +
As he stopped he faced Mary.
"With the cannibal i could destroy your enemies hear in France but there are a few things first"
He paused a moment to gather his thoughts.
"I will kill your enemies, but I will not kill innocents, "