I think HCR did a pretty good job - I tried to make sense of it yesterday as opinions rolled by on social media and it made my eyes cross. This account rings true.
Expect that critical voices will be quickly shut down via lawfare. Marquee pubs will be sued into submission. But will they go after Substackers like @hcrichardson.bsky.social? If I was still in the USA, I'd have a go-bag good-to-go. See if you're ready to get gone: https://getgoneguide.com/is-this-for-you%3F-1
Our only hope is that while their intent is insidious, we’ll be saved by their idiocy. And all this equal rights posturing is aggravating, it will amount to nothing. They had four years to fight but instead make a declaration on his way out in Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy style? Please.
Why didn't Biden do this in 2021? We would have had time to work it out and ratify the bill.
Felon47 isn't going to do a damn thing about it. What stupid waste of time.
Joe Biden has completely wasted women's time before, just ask Anita Hill.
"Any money not spent on the inauguration" of the FIRST FELONINCHIEF will not "likely go to a presidential library"; it will go into a presidential POCKET.
Get ready, MAGA folks: when you reap what you've sown, I doubt you'll be "awed", but I guarantee you'll be "shocked", and not in a good way. 😡
Women’s equality being up for debate only makes sense in one context. If you’re asking me personally if men as a whole are women’s equal I’m going to have to say no based on *gestures broadly* observable evidence. If the shoes fits let them wear it is what my brain keeps saying. We need a new shoe.👠
That wrap -- "[t]heir tickets should now be considered “commemorative.” -- is humorous to anti-Trump Americans but ...
Sadly and terrifyingly, we may all have to consider The Constitution commemorative as well.
I will never understand how people voted for him, and are now against his concepts of policies. He told you exactly what he wanted to do, why didn’t you listen?
Isn’t it ironic that crowning of felon47 will take place in the same space his supporters smeared their feces on the wall? And that he’s having his inauguration away from the people because he doesn’t need them anymore after they gave him their vote “one last time”? Locked out. Isn’t it ironic
Of course tRump wants to spend millions of dollars on his inauguration & not give any money to CA or to help anyone who really needs it in the U.S. we need to fight like hell to protect our democracy & the environment. I believe tRump is America’s biggest enemy.
I read your newsletter everyday. I follow the news, but you almost always include news I missed. The historical context is so helpful. I predict you won’t be bored over the next few years. Here’s to democracy surviving.
By moving the inauguration indoors, he can use that to explain away low attendance. "It would have been the biggest ever if it weren't so cold!" He will probably claim victim and call for Mother Nature to be put in jail.
Well, we will still have hotel and miscellaneous accommodations occupancy and reservations lists, number of visitors to other places of interest tourists visit, and traffic information. There will be thousands of pictures. He may spin his fairytale, but we will bring the reality!
The House sergeant at arms suggested to members of Congress that they should tell their constituents that their tickets should now be considered “commemorative.”
Back in the 1980s the Proclaimers sang
'when you go will you send back, a letter from america, take a look up the railtrack, from miami to canada'
America then and America now are so very far apart.
"...the radical right worried that women’s legal equality to men would protect abortion rights and that, as Catholic bishops of the United States wrote to senators, it would prohibit “discrimination based on ‘sexual orientation,’ ‘gender identity,’ and other categories.”
they will be needed even more during the next 4 years
Blitzkrieg operates somewhat differently than Lt. Gen. Hurtling suggests. Expect the unexpected.
Much of what you suggest is based on norms, standards, and assumptions that are about to be set aside - if not swept away entirely.
Assume nothing, expect the worst.
Felon47 isn't going to do a damn thing about it. What stupid waste of time.
Joe Biden has completely wasted women's time before, just ask Anita Hill.
Get ready, MAGA folks: when you reap what you've sown, I doubt you'll be "awed", but I guarantee you'll be "shocked", and not in a good way. 😡
He's poorly educated himself. When he says, "I went to Wharton", he means he WENT there, not that he STUDIED there or GRADUATED from there.
What would a trump presidential library feature? 😒
Sadly and terrifyingly, we may all have to consider The Constitution commemorative as well.
'when you go will you send back, a letter from america, take a look up the railtrack, from miami to canada'
America then and America now are so very far apart.
Jesus wept.