Happy Tomb Raider Remastered IV-V-VI day! And happy birthday Lara Croft!
To celebrate, here is a fanart of Angel of Darkness Lara engulfed in flames. Flameless version also included. AoD still has top-tier dark aesthetics!
@tombraider.com @aspyr.com
#tombraider #laracroft #aod #traod #fanart
To celebrate, here is a fanart of Angel of Darkness Lara engulfed in flames. Flameless version also included. AoD still has top-tier dark aesthetics!
@tombraider.com @aspyr.com
#tombraider #laracroft #aod #traod #fanart
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#tombraider #laracroft #aod #traod #fanart #artreference
Something about that classy edginess is very inspiring!