Exactly! And remember how much the MSM warned all the voters about it? Or were they too busy micro focusing on every thing Harris would say while the Orange Menace slow danced to YMCA and told MAGA how China would pay?
This Gen-X says Duh! I have no sympathy for the supposedly duped MAGAt cult. A very small amount of knowledge, some critical thinking 🤔 and they would've seen through it ALL.
They just didn't want to vote for a Black Woman! Bigots! Misogynists! 😑
trump takes over and scalps every American for money. You know he'll get something from this. Meanwhile, Biden was working to lower prices and make manufacturers take part (like more chips in those bags). So, those that voted for trump are the ones who deserve our anger. Traitors.
The funny part .. MAGA is the group least likely to be able to absorb inflation… so they get screwed far more than the other half in blue states with safety nets…red states have fend for yourself mentality.. kinda funny and sad.. the pain is coming..
Let me tell you, they’ve already started increasing their prices. On their store brands, they are higher than the name brands when I shopped there this week.
They are also huge funders of the takeover of education. I live in Arkansas and see the damage they do regularly. They are really tight with Sarah Sanders. They are trying to buy our public lands to profit off of them as well.
I guess his poorly educated just fkd around and are about to find out.
Trump Just Gave Them Blueprints to Make Excuses and Play “It Ain’t our Fault” Game
Watch Their Quarterly Profits 🤨
See how this works?
Funnel money from the bottom to the top.
They just didn't want to vote for a Black Woman! Bigots! Misogynists! 😑
Sadly, a lot don't understand how economics works.
That alone speaks volumes