Almost 3 years into Russia’s war of aggression, Ukraine can keep counting on its friends and partners.
Today, we deliver €3 billion to Ukraine, the 1st payment of the EU part of the G7 loan.
Giving Ukraine the financial power to continue fighting for its freedom – and prevail.
Today, we deliver €3 billion to Ukraine, the 1st payment of the EU part of the G7 loan.
Giving Ukraine the financial power to continue fighting for its freedom – and prevail.
Deliver EVERYTHING and crush the invading virus.
Then squeeze that pimple until the people stand against their dictator.
European federal government.
One border.
One European defence.
European war economy.
European weapons from an independent European weapon industry.
Hungary or Orban out.
Slovakia or Fico out.
Ukraine in.
The common parliament is unnecessary unless we want the same laws, which we don't.
It's essential to maintain each country's independence, or else the union will fall apart.
L'essere umano è l'animale più stupido della terra.
If you could please also use some of your power to alleviate the sufferings of Palestinians in Gaza, improve their sit in occupied territories? By, just spitballing here, holding Israel to account and pose sanctions on it for its blatant transgressions?