Ahoy there!! Welcome aboard the RMS Heavy Huggies! All sailors are issued the standard uniforms and specialized "efficiency underwear"
There are no "potty" breaks on this ship!

Outfit and post inspired by @aulden.bsky.social


Good boy! 😍🔥💩
Perfect pamp packing attire. ⛵️
No better feeling 🥴
They Don't Call It a Poopdeck For Nothing
Off to the "Crouching behind the back of the couch" deck 🤭
Report to the poop deck!
Reporting for duty! 🫡
Aye sailor!! You should report to the MESS hall first for orientation, then head directly to the POOP deck for further ASSignment I'm sure your familiar 🫡😏
Sit on my face and let me clean you 👅👅
Aye Captain! Where do I report!? 🫡
Poop deck immediately!! If you can hold it till you get there! 😉 I sincerely doubt you'll make 20 steps before loading your Huggies