Within a few moments, one carnivore stepped in. Melon as one who had that drink manufactured could smell it on them.
Politely he pulled them aside. A canine twice his size. In a flurry of motion they larger snapped at him. And just as quickly he was on his back with the scrawny teacher standing
Politely he pulled them aside. A canine twice his size. In a flurry of motion they larger snapped at him. And just as quickly he was on his back with the scrawny teacher standing
“You drank it even though it's banned nationwide?”
He laughed. His shirt sleeve was somewhat torn now. Nonetheless, he has them escorted away and goes to countiune class.
This class had a test to do. So it was mostly silent. With him standing in front of his desk.
That's when the commotion occurred, Sebun gasped. Her eyes wide when she saw the ripped sleeve.
She whispered. Seeking assurance.
“Don’t worry. It'll take bigger and meaner to hurt me.”
He wasnt joking. He knew how to beat just about any species of animal he fought. Plus fighting was one thing he adored
However, the commotion did seem to make him more leopard-like. Slowly her genes start to awaken.
Instead, she goes to look through her phone. It's a silent period while the students take the test. She's careful not to disrupt.
The next class was his free time right before lunch.
“I hope more pass this time around..”
He sighed.
Tapping his fingers on his desk.
“You ok Sebun? Didn't get bored while they took a test I hope”
"Actually.. I was worried about you. Can I see your arm?"
She asked. Stepping closer to him.