Of course you're not going to see things like that in documentaries like this, where it's celebrating a band and their work.
I think there SHOULD be a deep dive on all the underage girls that rock bands in the 60s-80s went through. Lori Maddox is just one of many from many different bands.
I think there SHOULD be a deep dive on all the underage girls that rock bands in the 60s-80s went through. Lori Maddox is just one of many from many different bands.
At least not without an exhaustive list of all the artists they stole from.
To hear some people, they think so.
“Life is not a ledger. Your sins can’t be paid off through good deeds. Your good deeds are not cancelled by your sins. Your sins and your good deeds live alongside one another. They coexist in superposition.”
I'd get better heroes if I were you.
You're seriously, in 2025, on Kendrick Lamar's Internet, going to cape for pedophiles?
Bad look, my guy...