Hard Target is the first ever Hollywood film made by Chinese director - John Woo. It stars Jean Claude Van Damme and co-stars his greasy mullet. Time machine travel back to 1993 when even then it was embarrassing....but still fun. In this scene, Van Damme cleans his teeth with a snake. A must see!
Persepolis. A brilliant explanation of what America did to Persia ( and why in 1979 my coworkers and I called our friend Miriam "Persian" instead of Iranian to protect her from hatred.
Perhaps because of the current climate, 12 Angry Men, you could remake it today and it would be just as powerful but no one will because it was done so well.
1, 12 angry men.
2, Hot fuzz.
3, Kung fu hustle.
And one that isn't in your haul.
Mr Vampire. My kids tried to hide the dvd in a shop, so I couldn't buy it.
Fantastic Mr. Fox will always be a sentimental fav for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that it made me fall in love with Meryl Streep's voice.
2, Hot fuzz.
3, Kung fu hustle.
And one that isn't in your haul.
Mr Vampire. My kids tried to hide the dvd in a shop, so I couldn't buy it.