NEW: The Trump administration suspended intelligence sharing with Ukraine, one of many demands the Kremlin has made of the US, Ukraine, and Ukraine's other supporters.
Ukrainian forces recently advanced near Toretsk and Pokrovsk. (1/3)
More in our latest on Ukraine:
Ukrainian forces recently advanced near Toretsk and Pokrovsk. (1/3)
More in our latest on Ukraine:
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🛑 It becomes clear that Trump is indeed complying with Russia's demands.
📌 Russia's demands are simple - the end of any NATO presence and their armaments in Ukraine.
😡🇺🇸 NATO is capitulating to its main enemy.
❤️🔥 Horror.
☝️🤔 But the question is - why?
Pressure on Russia could force a retreat to the international boundaries that Russia agreed to in 1991 & 1994
"ReArm Europe could mobilise close to EUR 800 billion for a safe and resilient Europe. This is a moment for Europe. And we are ready to step up."
- von der Leyen 💪
Next Trump will be sending weapons to Russia
Shows everyone what side Trump is on … and it’s not the side of freedom and democracy.