Trump's GOP are fascist supremacists. They believe women only exist for male pleasure & reproduction.They fear non-standard gender identity & sexual orientation. They blame immigrants, POC, trans, gays & minorities for national issues. Like the NAZIs, they co-opted religion to push their agenda.
Per "Caste" by Wilkinson, when the NAZIs wanted to LEGALLY kill Jews, they instituted Jim Crow laws. Yes, they learned legal oppression & murder from the US South!
NAZIs=White Supremacists=US South Jim Crow!
The seeds of Hitler's genocide germinated in the USA.
You beat your enemy by doing worse than they do, by fighting harder and dirtier and more shockingly. Every fear they’ve ever instilled in someone, and every bigotry they’ve ever given to a person should be visited on them tenfold or they will never stop. The only thing they understand is pain.
Oh god spare me the high road. Guarantee you’ve never fought a war. You don’t beat your enemy by turning your nose up at them and pretending they don’t exist, that’s how they got in power again. That’s how democrats lost so much of the middle class vote, with the elitist crap none of us can afford.
Taking a stand against violence is elitist?? Interesting take. I will always consider speaking one’s mind with a gun as the lowest form of communication.
I never said to pretend they don’t exist, but I’d rather die than become like those blood thirsty idiots. Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
Pathetic women who voted for a fucking loser because they want their pussy to be grabbed. They don't give a fuck about their daughters being raped and carrying the baby to full term. Stupid bitches
Have you noticed that these trashy women have changed their looks for the worst. I have seen this one trashy bitch who has his ugly face on her sagging tits. I guess when her and her husband make love, he is making love to a man
NAZIs=White Supremacists=US South Jim Crow!
The seeds of Hitler's genocide germinated in the USA.
I have 3 daughters and 4 granddaughters and am pissed at any woman who would vote for this fucking rapist.
Add to the fact that every single male nominee from him is a sexual predator. He is building a culture.