For the millionth time. California is a 100% mail in state or people can vote in person. Ballots are counted if mailed on Election Day.These ballots are provisional and cured ballots.We don’t certify until December 12. And you know what? It’s always been like this and we don’t care.All votes count
Chill your boots my friend. I was only asking a question. I’m used to a General Election where 30 million people vote and the polls don’t close until 10pm at night and the result is usually known by about 6am the following morning.
We have counted 17 M ballots so far.With ballots that contain 69 things to vote on.We also allow ballots to show up for 10 days after Election Day as long as postmarked Election Day.We knew most of races by midnight. President etc. we have 2 races being decided by cured/provisional.You need to chill
And you’re not even an American.. 😂
Yet you have “thoughts” about an election in the most populous state in the union. FFS. We have nearly as many people in this state than in England. Our economy is bigger than all of UK. Maybe just maybe.. mind your own damn business
“For the millionth time”
“It’s always been like that and we don’t care”
I thought projection was a uniquely MAGA tactic.
Apparently not.
Yet you have “thoughts” about an election in the most populous state in the union. FFS. We have nearly as many people in this state than in England. Our economy is bigger than all of UK. Maybe just maybe.. mind your own damn business