My Pop was a police officer Harry. I'm in your brotherhood. He retired as the Lt. Commander of the Rhode Island State Police. I have much respect for you and the brave stand you've taken. Keep up the great work my man.
You don't know me but I certainly know you. You sir are a hero in my book (I don't throw that word around lightly) along with your fellow officers who held the line on Jan. 6th and saved our democracy. Who knows where we would be if you hadn't. The fights not over but were still here because of you.
Tis' the treason is what I think you meant to say. Seriously, as one retired honorable LEO to another, I love the courage you show every day to get the truth out there, and I hope you and your family have a great holiday season. Cheers.
Whether in Canada where I am or the USA or anywhere else in the world. People need to stand up for Decency. Compassion. Respect. And not allow liars, cheaters and thieves to run over us. Stand up and be strong. The time is now.
You probably get messages like this so often that they have largely lost their meaning, but I haven't had the opportunity before. Thank you for defending the Capitol. Thank you for testifying. Thank you for your activism. Thank you for standing up to MAGA. You're a hero and you deserved better.
I would like to agree with Mr. Brown’s beautiful post of thanks and thank you also, sir.
Thank you for your bravery and actions during and after the January 6th insurrection.
You look so good! Like the weight of the world is lifting from your shoulders! Here's wishing you a joyous holiday season and new year filled with love and all the good things you so richly deserve! As always, thank you for your voice & your service!
Thank you for your service!!
A true Patriot!!
You, sir, are a hero!! Merry Christmas and blessing for the New Year ✨️ 🙏🏻
Merry Christmas 💙
He's a podcaster!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🫶🏻🎄
Mr HarryDunn🌟
You look a LOT like one of my fave actors on the show Chicago Fire!
Southern White Grey Haired Male Independent
✨️Blessings upon blessings. Merry Christmas.✨️
who doesn’t need a cape
Merry Christmas!
Regardless, you're a hero and an inspiration.
Thank you for your bravery and actions during and after the January 6th insurrection.