WELCOME TO THE FEBRUARY #SwiftieSkyChallenge, for all fandoms to participate in!!
February is:
Black History Month
Random Acts of Kindness Month.
In February (and always) we will be boosting Black owned businesses, Black authors, and sharing our favorite Black creators and artists.
February is:
Black History Month
Random Acts of Kindness Month.
In February (and always) we will be boosting Black owned businesses, Black authors, and sharing our favorite Black creators and artists.
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In addition to supporting Black owned businesses, we will also be creating #SwiftieROAK (ROAK = Random Acts of Kindness)
This will include following ideas from https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/, and any other we as a community can come up with!
In order to help you find local and online Black Owned businesses, check out these apps that focus on lifting Black owned Businesses such as:
Miiriya https://apps.apple.com/us/app/miiriya/id1524930388
Create a playlist on Spotify or Apple Music of your favorite Black Musicians for us all to stream!
Post about your favorite Black Authors, Businesses, Creators, ETC!
For my fellow non Black friends, step back and listen. Don't speak over or for anybody. (Cont+)
(/Continued) It is our job to listen and learn and boost.
Do NOT invade, but listen to and lift #BlackSky.
Please ReSkeet the whole thread for awareness!