Very good analysis here.
Reposted from
Brian Klaas
I wrote about how Trump is destroying American democracy, along with eight crucial lessons about how to counteract it, drawing on my 14 years of studying brave pro-democracy opposition movements in authoritarian regimes across the globe. We’re in serious trouble, but there’s still hope.
We should also foster a culture of individuality, even when we organize ourselves in groups. A strongman (or woman!) can easily bypass the checks and balances of any constitution by creating a loyalist, uniform cult. Suddenly, congress, the judiciary etc act
Sorry for the preachy, pseudo philosophical diatribe.
We are in this mess because FAKE PROGRESSIVES FORGOT DEMOCRACY OFTEN leads to tyranny.
Our main protection against TYRANNY was United States Senators chosen by State Legislatures. State legislatures had a say on War, currency, national debt, JUDGES ON US SUPREME COURT, federal laws, etc.
I would like Amendment to Constitution that gives each State 3 United States Senators - 2 chosen by people and 1 by State Legislature. State legislatures should be able to fire US Senators they choose whenever they want and pick replacements.