"A crime syndicate that transcends state borders in its pursuit of power and wealth...this elite criminal network has been building for decades...total domination is the outcome they seek..."
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This might be of interest here ;)
20 years ago Larry J Kolb wrote about other oligarchies of the 1980s in "Overworld" ISBN 0593 051017 / 0593 053591.
The people never learn, they are conned every time, usually in the name of "freedom" or "democracy".
As the great Stuart Stevens wrote “Trump is not the CAUSE of today’s (dystopia), he’s the RESULT of decades of it
Trump was always gonna happen
So I'll start a slow thread here, can always quote-post it at the end
Will try to limit myself to one post/chapter
I almost went insane after reading "6 Degrees" by M. Lynas
I had been following climate change reporting for years (thx @newscientist.com) and here was a book laying the horror out, beautifully
I tried to tell others. They were not interested.
The introduction resonated with that.
Except for "wow"?
It's Habsburg, not Hapsburg - but I then looked it up and learned that something I thought true (the Habs comes from Habicht, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_goshawk) was wrong (it stems from "Haben", to hold, possess), so win for me
(Burg = Castle)
I doubt.
Not only the fourth estate, not only my country (where a Russian dupe almost was mad Chancellor, recently), but also the EU...
How can they be so unprepared?
Red Bull face (https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietrich_Mateschitz) does seem more suspect now, but maybe too late to the TV game
Books are making a come back and deserve our dollar.
#Barnes_and_Noble thank you. 💙
Now, though, we live in the aftermath.