Americans have always embraced 2 kinds of Utopias: "Let's all go back to the Good Old Days [just add the decade of your choice]
"Let's all time travel to the future, where all those pesky problems are solved." Now, in 2025, we have both Utopias competing in the White House. Thus, extreme darkness
Travelling forward in time is an unescapable reality of physics. Some feel the need to plan it as best as possible others just like to let it come and leave it in the hands the universe clock 🕰️. The only way to progress in the future is to remember our past not replicate it.
So you do not want to see her posts so you unfollow/mute/whatever, got that, but you also feel it necessary to announce it as if you are doing some kind of public service too? How far up your ass is your head?
I am not very good at social interactions, i am sorry if I did a bad thing. I thought i myself would appreciate this kind of feedback. At age 49 I'm still learning how normal people feel and see things. Also what is normal is not always good in my personal ethics. Thank you for your feedback.
Ignoring the unfollowing guy, the quotes make me think, and remind me that I'm not losing my mind, that I'm not the only soul who sees where this road is going.
Also the future is hard because we still have to build it. We have to make it happen. The past is easy because it is finished.
The past is subjective, the future filled with our hopes and fears. Both avoid the very real present. It is the only time we have any control over and any possibility of seeing for what it is. The present is where we stop thinking and start working to create our desires.
"Let's all time travel to the future, where all those pesky problems are solved." Now, in 2025, we have both Utopias competing in the White House. Thus, extreme darkness
Humans seem to have trouble with this one.
Also the future is hard because we still have to build it. We have to make it happen. The past is easy because it is finished.
How dare we demand a future of prosperity and happiness.