reminder that BPD does NOT stand for bipolar disorder. this misconception is SO common.
BPD is borderline personality disorder. please use the abbreviation correctly, as it makes it difficult for people to find real and accurate information on both bpd and bipolar disorder.
BPD is borderline personality disorder. please use the abbreviation correctly, as it makes it difficult for people to find real and accurate information on both bpd and bipolar disorder.
i try to share this when/wherever i can bc even if someone shares good info on bipolar disorder, labelling it as BPD throws a lot of it out the window, and forces people with BPD to be under/misrepresented
But, I have stopped trying to challenge, correct and teach this...because I've found so many people being defensive and insistent.
...and also, I managed to offend folks who really were discussing Borderline...