Make yourself hard to kill. Get the Flu vaccine. Also both Pneumonia vaccines. Have Tamiflu on hand. Make yourself the healthiest you can. Exercise, lose/gain weight, stop tobacco, stop alcohol.
Better face hygiene has made a difference for me. Before 2015 I had frequent colds all winter. Then I became mindful about touching my face only with washed hands. I've gone years without a cold.
We do need an account with not just updates but notes for how to take care of ourselves.
-Mask up N95/KN95
-Eat well
-Wash hands
-Get good sleep
-Don’t wear shoes in the house
-Don’t approach dead birds
-Bring outside cats inside
-Don’t share beverages
-Keep your phone, keys, and wallet sanitized
And apparently check your catfood brand if you're feeding your cats raw meat! One company has tested positive for bird flu and numerous cats have gotten sick Q-Q
Yes! This is a big one. I quit touching my face when I first started hearing about covid in Feb. of 2020. It may not keep me from getting something airborne, but I damn sure won't be adding to my misery by transferring from my hands.
-Mask up N95/KN95
-Eat well
-Wash hands
-Get good sleep
-Don’t wear shoes in the house
-Don’t approach dead birds
-Bring outside cats inside
-Don’t share beverages
-Keep your phone, keys, and wallet sanitized
@/ has lost 2 of her indoor cats because Wild Coast sold raw meat with bird flu in it
We have a bunch of cats, so not taking the risk.