Sure, forger the children, forget the right of people to pass by without having to be uncomfortable or expose their children to such obsenity, put the reasoning before the desire
1. You don't need to masturbate to survive what are you talking about
2. And if we use your logic having sex is a necessity so therefore rape should be okay because sex is a biological urge that men have that's super strong
If that's a joke you did a terrible job delivering it because I legit don't know what's funny about your comment your comment just seemed like one of those desperate degenerate comments
And that's where you're wrong. Masturbation is not a necessity to survive, it's okay to do it but it's not necessary and doing it in public represents a danger not only because you can go to jail, but also because children pass by on the street. Not to mention that it is not really necessary
No one looks at anything drinking water in public and goes "what a freak"
2. And if we use your logic having sex is a necessity so therefore rape should be okay because sex is a biological urge that men have that's super strong
Biological need
Completely natural
Needed to survive
Masturbation is a biological need and shouldn't be looked down upon, neither in private or public