I'm a programmer & COBOL was the 1st language I learned, it's not that hard to figure. Fact is code doesn't point out corruption, data does that & if they were hunting corruption there would be audits, they are making a code path to get back in later or for someone else. Russia, China, Iran, ?
Hi! Can you please use alt-text on screenshots. That way people who want to know what’s in the picture can, and people who have some of the words in it muted, don’t have to. Thanks.
Guarantee they’re going to fire COBOL programmers. The only people with knowledge of how all of this works. And there aren’t enough of them to start with
COBOL is still very commonplace, largely because migrating systems to more modern architectures is so disruptive to BAU operations, and risks breaking things that still work. Often the documentation is poor or archaic so reproducing the behaviour in say Java is risky.
yes, I can't think of any system I worked on pre 1999 that stored dates as anything other than PIC X(6), PIC 9(6) or PIC 9(6) COMP-3, and as you say post 1999 the 6s became 8s. Any format that you needed to calculate would have been frowned on because they made reading cics dumps a pain.
I'm not sure they don't know. It's that they know the average person probably won't. SO since that is what it shows, he can claim the 150 yr olds getting SS.
When the idiots might think that they know everything and ask the felons to coup the system but they are caught on a lie due to their stupidity and the most idiot of all POST something trying to act smart but get caught
I wonder what other things they dont understand theyve been mucking around in and "fixing" that will come to bite us all in the ass in the coming days and months.
I'm half expecting him to revise English grammar by executive order.
Like it always does.
10 wcentury pic 99
10 wyear pic 99
10 wmonth pic 99
10 wday pic 99
How odd.