Are you kidding me?
Joy, come to BlueSky we need your voice to always be heard.
#MSNBC #JoyReid
She should arise somewhere but I will watch her replacements.
MSNBC is the last strong-voiced liberal news outlet with any sense reality.
They need to have a loyal viewership to stay critical.
I watched MSNBC because they do research and theyhave informed guests.
It's a tough job.
They need to know we're watching.
CNN is crap.
There's no other outlet that stands up as they do.
Be active. Do things. Speak up if you think something is being done improperly.
trump gives Americans enough opportunities to impeach him five times.
So wake people up around you.
MSNBC ranked as the No. 2 cable news network in primetime and total day total viewers for January, with 734,000 and 506,000 viewers, respectively.
The network attracted 630,000 viewers in primetime and 450,000 viewers during total day.Jan 29, 2025
Where did you come up with that for her middle name?
Joy Ape Reid
I'm not happy with the changes.
Think it may have something to do with this sellout.