My step father Burt stormed the beach in Normandy carrying the radio equipment in his backpack. A fellow soldier had been shot in water and he carried him to safety too. He would not want this to be happening to our country. And he was a lifelong conservative.
To be fair mine didn’t - one was imprisoned for being the wrong nationality and the other was a railway man - but my grandmothers (and railwayman grandfather) lived through the blitz and I’ve still never been nice to a Nazi in my life!
Americans have voted in the Kremlin, and as Putin is a fascist Americans have voted that in.
The movie Civil War now looks like a prophesy rather than fiction
If you’re not sure what YOU, one person, can do to help save democracy, then follow They can link you to a chapter in your community.
My Grandfather was on the front line, he helped operate anti aircraft guns as they came across the channel.
He was one of 4 Jamaican brothers, the British took 3.
They all survived and did kill a ton of Nazis!
Now I feel old 😱🥺
My Pop started “his walk across Europe” 7 June ‘44
My wife’s father liberated a concentration camp
I miss them but I’m glad they’re not here to see what’s become of their country 💙🇺🇦💙
Donald Trump and Elon Musk rigged and fixed the 2024 election by entering the postal services computers. Just like he did our Social Security computers and internal revenue service computers and NASA computers and Noah computers. He’s real crafty. We need to arrest him.
My grandfather fought in the Pacific and that memorial is from the Pacific (Iwo Jima) so I think we should modify the caption to say fascists rather than Nazis. I’d do it today but I’m traveling.
Yeah I used it because I have a personal connection to the Pacific Islands Battle
My Grandfather fought there in WWII and in hand to hand combat
He brought Home a Nazi pin he took off a Japanese Soldier
It was a fight for his life so it’s personal to me
He is on the far right left is his brother
It was, and I am happy they both came Home and I have this Brett, all the letters he sent from the War covering the whole time frame
From Basic to returning Home
Exactly they kicked Nazi and fascists' asses .
Destroyed their hate with weapons of war and it was justifiable.
Not only on the war fronts in Europe and in the Pacific but Americans sacrificed and suffered at home going w/o so that soldiers could do with.
today ?
PINO Trump & Fuhrer Musk are attempting to replicate the events leading to Hitler's rise. Just like Germany, this will not end well for the US. The rest of the world knows the 1930s history & the US is Nazi Germany ver2. Hitler didn't have nukes. Will the US Nazis use them?
My father, uncles, grandfather and great uncle fought in WWII and WWI. This is the first time I’ve ever been happy they are no longer alive to see their personal sacrifices treated as meaningless.
We should bring back the draft and require basic training for all able bodied citizens. Basic training teaches how to defend yourself, your country if necessary, how to be organized, how to follow legal orders.
If Trump was a better business genius like he pretends and didn’t go bankrupt so many times and didn’t need Russian Cash maybe just maybe things might be a little better or maybe this is just me wishful thinking…
The world now is exactly like the comic book episodes I hated in the '70s, with Bizarro worlds and everything was reverse.
"What an unbelievable load of crap" I would say.
Just to be clear my Grandfather took a Nazi Pin off a Japanese Soldier after hand to hand combat in the Pacific Islands Battle during WWII so I am not quite sure what you are getting at
Not only did Americans raise the American flag against Nazis in Europe (and Mussolini's fascists), but also in North Africa and the Mediterranean. There were four theaters of operation (not only the Pacific Theater) and you are sorely mistaken. 🙄
Correction: the African Theater of Operations was only WWI. In WWII African operations were placed under the Mediterranean and Middle East Theater and all combat was considered the "African Campaign". American forces fought in Africa.
As for Europe, etc... many World War II Generals earned their fame in European and other theaters, including George S. Patton, Omar Bradley, Dwight D. Eisenhower and British General "Monty" Montgomery.
Just to be clear, my father was in a foxhole at the Battle of the Bulge, liberated Dachau and drank Hitler's booze at Bertchesgaden (he lifted a serving spoon off the dining room table that we used to use to serve Mashed Potatoes when I was a child.)
Not only did American forces engage in combat in Europe, but in the early 1980's I lived in Nuremberg (Nurnberg) as a military spouse. My then husband (now deceased) was attached to a military post (kaserne) that was captured in WWII by American forces.
My dad died in August of 1980.
I was 17 years old. I was literally a retirement baby. I was born the day before he retired with 30 odd years in the Army. He would be so disappointed and fecking angry that vets are losing services. The US promised these services to vets and their families
My Great Grandfather never really liked to talk about the war, which is fair since he had to help clean one of the camps. He never wanted to be remembered as the WW2 vet, more the local craftsman who’d help with anything and everything. He’d be livid if he saw all of this.
My dad and his friends never told the harrowing stories. My father showed me photos his buddy took after cleaning of one of the camps. He also had photos of the bombed out buildings that they sheltered in. I heard about the fights my Dad and junior officers had to break up in the French brothels
I have a photo of my dad on the ship going over to France. My dad used to say, "He was DDay to Berlin". He had a truck unit chasing the tanks with fuel. He had an extra junior officer too.
My father was a white lieutenant with the Quartermaster Corps’ “Red Ball Express,” the folks who kept Patton’s fast-moving Third Army in France supplied. His enlisted troops were largely Black, and he led a company of them back across the Atlantic for discharge in Sept. 1945.
My Dad had a segregated truck unit in the Quartermaster Corps. He had soldiers who had never worn shoes before. He spoke up that the Army needed to desegregate. Dad couldn't stand Patton. They might have known each other.
Jesus overturned the tables in the temple when the leaders got out of hand. We can hate the actions and love the people. For those that repented he offered forgiveness. Others, well there have always been consequences for bad actors. Challenges come every day so we can grow. 😳👍
My father (RCAF) and his three brothers (US Army) served during WWII. I don't have to imagine how they'd feel about Nazi loving Trump and his followers.
Yall don’t even know what a Nazi is. You just throw that term around because it’s trendy lol. Anyone who disagrees with you is a “Nazi” somehow. Idiots I swear lol.
My Father fought at Dunkirk to keep them off the beaches, they fired every shell till all they had to use is smoke shells, when they where gone, they where told to go, the guy beside him dropped dead. 6 years in POW Camp Poland. He liked Germans but hated the Nazi's. I stand on a giants shoulders.
From Europe, when can we witness the same bravery from the American democrates since talking about the lies and the fascist republican ruling did not get you out of this trouble. You need to take drastic actions from now on, time for talks are over. You have to #overtrow #Trump if you love freedom.
both of my maternal great grandparents fought and served, she a nurse, in ww1, my paternal grandad had been blinded by a metalworking so he didn't go, tho' I have some of his tools, we tell our stories
I posted this question to Facebook. I love this memorial. Every time I look at it. It reminds me of the fake assassination attempt and the way the CIA held him up above their heads for a photo op tell me if you see the same or if I’m just crazy
My grandmother was a German war bride who married my grandfather who was a US soldier. He forced her to leave her child behind and she was never able to get him back. I only exist because of Hitler and yet I'd wipe my existence from the universe to kill him and everybody like him.
that's really sad
your gm lost a child bc her husband didn't want him or her?
lots of the same happened in Vietnam.
and it wasn't right then.
did you ever try to track down that person lost to your family history?
My grandfather was a POS he lied to her. She didn't speak any English when she got here she was basically SOL. my grandfather ripped the two children he had with her over here away from her so she moved down the hall with the man she had the affair with who was less of a bastard than my grandfather.
Maybe these kind of dysfunctional relationships were some kind of the"norm" for those who experienced war .
Women had it bad pre women's rights . Working class GI's who brought brides back from any war arena were often pressured as to why they would marry the "enemy";the woman was often outcast.
They both had affairs & a bunch more children. Later in life my aunt tried to connect with her and they had a short relationship I don't know why it didn't last my father refused to see her he didn't think she really wanted a relationship sadly he was wrong and didn't find out till after she passed
The whole thing is much crazier and far sadder it really should be in a book and yes I currently am in contact with the granddaughter of the son she left behind his name was Jürgen he had a son named Oliver and Oliver's daughter is my cousin and we keep in contact
Again I am sorry your family had to experience so much pain.
And it may very well be a book.
Maybe you should take those memories and whatever facts you have and write it.
My grandfather watched the Nazis murder both his brothers, as they escaped a concentration camp. He fled to the UK. Where he immediately signed up for military service and returned to Europe to fight.
I'm glad he isn't alive to see what has become of the world.
“Brave men didn't die face down
In the Vietnam muck
so I could not style on you
I didn't walk uphill both ways to the booth and back to not wile on you
You think baby Jesus killed Hitler just so I'd whisper?”
That was the start of this fucked reality we are living
a long range plan put in place under Reagan ,cobbled together by the Heritage Foundation The Federalist Society & other right wing well funded anti democracy pro-oligarchy groups Along the way they co-opted right movements like the Tea Party
Yes. My Dad was the only one of his siblings who went, farmers. He went at age 17 in 1940. Older brothers already farming, younger stayed home. Two of his cousins and my Mom's brother served. Mom's older sister was a photographer in the war, too. Their father served in WWl.
Forgot parents. Parents fought nazis too.
But you are absolutely right. Parents, and grandparents, and all of the generations of Americans who fought tyranny and totalitarianism would be appalled, disbelieving, at what this country is becoming, at who we CHOSE to destroy the democracy.
My dad was in the 1st wave, crewman in the 68 LVT(A)s that led the assault. He landed on Green beach right below Suribachi. He opened up to me after I left Vietnam. He was in the battles on the Atolls and Guam. He got tears in his eyes and said “none of them were like Iwo”. Sucker and loser.
One of my grandfathers was in the “clean up crew” in the battle of the bulge. Meaning he moved the dead and frozen bodies. He got frostbite so badly in his heels they almost amputated his feet. He was one of the first people to ever receive penicillin. They saved his feet. He was Jewish.
Both of my parents joined the UK military, both aged about 16.5 yrs.
The legal joining age was 17.
Both lied in order to join, my Dad joined in June 1939, and my Mother a few years later, on both searchlights and range finding/spotting.
Both would have bitch-slapped trump.
Amen! I was visiting my grandmother and Trump came on the television and she looked at him and said that’s another Hitler! She lived through World War II and she could just tell by looking at him. My grandmother wasn’t wrong. He’s definitely the antichrist.
My Dad and my father in law both fought in WWII. They would be beside themselves with rage if they were alive. They fought to to keep fascism from our door, not to invite it in.
dead ones still suck too
Boycott as many right wing business as possible. Don’t buy products made in right wing states.
Please re-post
The movie Civil War now looks like a prophesy rather than fiction
If you’re not sure what YOU, one person, can do to help save democracy, then follow They can link you to a chapter in your community.
DO SOMETHING! No gesture or action is too small.
My Grandfather was on the front line, he helped operate anti aircraft guns as they came across the channel.
He was one of 4 Jamaican brothers, the British took 3.
They all survived and did kill a ton of Nazis!
My Pop started “his walk across Europe” 7 June ‘44
My wife’s father liberated a concentration camp
I miss them but I’m glad they’re not here to see what’s become of their country 💙🇺🇦💙
We Hold The Line
As Our Grandparents Did. We must rise and push the fascist out.
Give no quarter to Nazis & Fascist!
My Grandfather fought there in WWII and in hand to hand combat
He brought Home a Nazi pin he took off a Japanese Soldier
It was a fight for his life so it’s personal to me
He is on the far right left is his brother
From Basic to returning Home
Destroyed their hate with weapons of war and it was justifiable.
Not only on the war fronts in Europe and in the Pacific but Americans sacrificed and suffered at home going w/o so that soldiers could do with.
today ?
The French Resistance was seminal in defeating these fuckers. So will be the American Resistance.
Long live the Resistance.
By any means necessary.
Call everyday at #5Calls LOUDLY!
#VoteVets #StopProject2025
#StandUpForScience #DontDefundPublcSxhools
Run! Donate! Write! Show up!Support those running against GOP’s billionaire$
#PennilessPolitics -
#generalstrikeus -
Fuck Trump, Fuck Vance, Fuck Musk and Fuck MAGA.
Complacency will lead to the end of DEMOCRACY, for you and your children, and grandchildren.
The herd protects its youth, and everyone in herd's future.
STAND UP! in LARGE numbers and show your RESISTANCE!
Just sayin'
"What an unbelievable load of crap" I would say.,_United_States_Army
I was 17 years old. I was literally a retirement baby. I was born the day before he retired with 30 odd years in the Army. He would be so disappointed and fecking angry that vets are losing services. The US promised these services to vets and their families
Thank you for sharing his heroism with us Rod 💕
Although we should love everyone, we must also fight against evil.
Complacency will lead to the end of DEMOCRACY, for you and your children, and grandchildren.
The herd protects its youth, and everyone in herd's future.
STAND UP! in LARGE numbers and show your RESISTANCE!
Just sayin'
How proud they would be to see you now.
I appreciate that so much
Thank you for sharing 💕
The rest of the world needs the United States to stand up for your democracy.
The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
Only the Nazis disagree!
When will he be impeached? Before the monster destroyes the world
Nothing can give you the resolve to make sure Fascism never happens again like seeing Normandy yourself.
your gm lost a child bc her husband didn't want him or her?
lots of the same happened in Vietnam.
and it wasn't right then.
did you ever try to track down that person lost to your family history?
Women had it bad pre women's rights . Working class GI's who brought brides back from any war arena were often pressured as to why they would marry the "enemy";the woman was often outcast.
And it may very well be a book.
Maybe you should take those memories and whatever facts you have and write it.
I'm glad he isn't alive to see what has become of the world.
“Brave men didn't die face down
In the Vietnam muck
so I could not style on you
I didn't walk uphill both ways to the booth and back to not wile on you
You think baby Jesus killed Hitler just so I'd whisper?”
a long range plan put in place under Reagan ,cobbled together by the Heritage Foundation The Federalist Society & other right wing well funded anti democracy pro-oligarchy groups Along the way they co-opted right movements like the Tea Party
But you are absolutely right. Parents, and grandparents, and all of the generations of Americans who fought tyranny and totalitarianism would be appalled, disbelieving, at what this country is becoming, at who we CHOSE to destroy the democracy.
He's 95 and
I wholeheartedly agree.
Both of my parents joined the UK military, both aged about 16.5 yrs.
The legal joining age was 17.
Both lied in order to join, my Dad joined in June 1939, and my Mother a few years later, on both searchlights and range finding/spotting.
Both would have bitch-slapped trump.
From couriers to decoders to battleships !