Try as I may, as someone who calls herself a Christian (follower of Jesus Christ), I can not wrap my mind around those who call mercy, diversity, equality and inclusion against the teachings of Christ.
Lose the religion. Just be good humans who have and believe in empathy and mercy. Anyone needing some imaginary, non existent being, or belief in such, to have those qualities isn't doing it for the right reasons. Do so to be a good person.
Someone I actually like said to me: “They are changing the sex of children without parents knowing.” Like doctors are allowed to operate on underage patients without consent.
No one has a lick of critical thinking in their toolkit.
Deep gratitude for all that you are, do, and embody - for your whole-hearted, kind, wise support of the marginalized, victimized, persecuted, and disenfranchised - who most need acknowledgement, non-judgemental acceptance, understanding & steady uplifting.
I now see it was never really about Jesus.
It was about white nationalism and power.
For three straight election cycles, they have strongly supported Trump.
They stand prideful & arrogant with their prop bibles while he ruins lives of “those people”.
Loveless. Joyless.
Christian teaching has taken different forms, and they influence people's views of what God commands.
No one has a lick of critical thinking in their toolkit.
Heaps of blessings upon you.