I believe in suffering as a sacred space, one where we get to choose.
It's not a supernatural experiment from the sky designed to do something to or in us, but it is a time and place where we can respond out of our convictions and as we do, we are altered.
It's not a supernatural experiment from the sky designed to do something to or in us, but it is a time and place where we can respond out of our convictions and as we do, we are altered.
Science of Mind: We reap what our thoughts sew.
Victor Frankl: We are in charge of our attitude at any given moment.
Outdated Christian dogma: You're sinful, therefore you suffer.
Mindfulness and Radical Acceptance have helped me walk through those times so that sometime in future create purpose from those events
I will assume believe in critical thinking & science to determine facts.
To "Believers":
God/s gave you critical thinking & science. Use them to determine facts.
To “All”:
I don’t expect you to think like me, but I do expect you to think!
For some suffering, "why" is a lie.
Our suffering should be dignified with truth, and not denigrated by coming up with some explaination.