Correct. And for all we know, it could be illegal to be a Democrat in less than a year. Ppl we know from other countries keep telling us they're sorry about what's happening in our Homeland. Some have mentioned the USA is becoming a failed state. #HardToWatchFromAbroad
Yes. And since 2017, the US has been sliding down on the global safety index scale. I think it recover slight under the last administration, but its definitely gonna get much worse now. Something like 2/3 of the rated countries are ranked safer than the US. What an embarrassing shame.
It's fixable - but will take 10-20 years - that is what they wanted.
They will fight EVERY attempt to bring it all back
Knowing Dems they will mealy mouth agree to compromises as they still can't find a strategy to CLEAR the board like Labour did in the UK vs Conservatives. Decimated them
No, I didn’t state that. I don’t live in the UK. However what Labour are doing to social welfare is very detrimental to persons with disabilities.
The people of the UK deserve much better than the political leadership that they have IMHO.
70 years. It began with desegregation. Evangelicals were furious they could no longer deny "christian" university admission to POC, and began planning back then to make signficant changes in the system so they could go back to openly jusitfying racism, misogyny, hate, and intolerance.
Is the US going to be an actual country by the end of summer? By the end of the year? Are we a dictatorship already? The coup is in full swing and it hurts my brain when we have to try to convince people that it's a coup bc they have poop for brains
I sincerely believe there will be a rigged election. I believe the 2024 election was tampered with. To what extent I cannot say. But I believe they will do even more of whatever worked in the 2024 election and all future elections will be entirely rigged.
I am zero tinfoil hat guy. I know there's a lack of uproar or smoke to look for fire... but something is odd. It's anecdotal and a gut feeling, but i don't disagree. I won't act on any nutjob theory, but I agree. It's all off.
The next one, like a 3rd world dictatorship tactics. 99% of the vote!
Agreed. Someone told me that the day after Trump was elected and I was like, "Fool! 4 years is a long friggin' time within which A LOT of terrible things can happen!"
No American has the luxury of sitting this one out. The 99% needs to join together to fight the autocratic oligarchy. We are starting to see rumblings of that, but we need more resistance quickly.
That's what they said in 2017, and we see how that ended with an attempted overthrow of our democracy. They learned from their mistakes and will have the right people in the right places to complete the coup this time.
I've been saying this since the felon decided to run again to stay out of prison.
1. Dictators don't have term limits.
2. He's destroying the system so he can stay in power until he dies.
3. Conservatives have been working on this for 70 years. They're not going to give up power voluntarily.
Agree. 272 fascists don't care that this will all end with blood shed and it will be on their hands. Almost beyond my mind's comprehension. Never knew so many American citizens hated America.
There is far to many people sticking their heads in the sand waiting and thinking its easier just to wait out the next 4 years.
News flash, there might not be another election, if we are all be doing this. Its time for everyone to stand up and fight for our democracy!
My sister literally told me there are checks and balances. In which I told her, those were sold to the highest bidder and she has daughters to protect. 😞
This isn't what anyone in Canada is thinking. The threat to our nation from the USA is very real and it is happening now. Here's a quick summary courtesy of Chat GPT. 🇨🇦 Vive la Canada
No joke. We've barely gotten through six weeks; what makes anyone think we'll survive two years, let alone four?
I heard someone on the news say, "Who knew it would be Donald Trump to bring democracy down?" Well, I was afraid of it, because I'm old and have known what he was since the early 1980's.
It's exasperating! This is an urgent, life threatening, moment in U.S. history. "Pretending Democracy can survive in an ecosystem of non-stop misinformation, disinformation, outright lies and fake news, 24/7, with no pushback, is beyond naive and actually a boost to Authoritarianism." - Mehdi Hasan
The best case scenario there is that we elect a democratically-controlled Congress and they kick his ass out. Confounding factors even there include whether he'd actually leave, who would replace him (the couch guy?!) and, of course, whether we'll even get to vote.
The longer Musk is around the more of our secrets get stolen. Then, when all his ventures go broke he sells those secrets to the highest bidder. STOP THE STEAL
I was at the 1st March for Our Lives in DC.
There were 800k people there❗️
That March largely influenced the 2018 Midterms ❗️
The REASON there were that many people there was CLEAR ORGANIZATION..
Everyday people aren’t Apathetic❗️
They literally don’t know what to do & feel Overwhelmed❗️
What I’ve noticed in our current Fascist State is a Lack of Any Clear Path or even Clear Little Paths of Activism..
If Social Media Influencers would concentrate their efforts in this area, the Sky is the Fucking Limit. 💜✊🏻💜
Also, I think you are amazing & I followed you on Twitter.
The traitors are ripping the guts out of our government on a daily and hourly basis…. Seems like we are not fast enough to gut them back. Come on people with access to power….. start trying to be ahead of the traitors ….
I'm constantly amazed by the "ooh, look, their poll numbers are tanking, we will sweep the midterms!" crowd, like we will even have anymore free and fair elections.
Yes. When I saw the montage video of women in western attire in Muslim countries that now require them to wear tarps (basically), I woke right up. It's terrifying. We won't be able to return for funerals if things stay the same or deteriorate. We'll have to pay our respects from abroad. Sad.🌍
Every scholar who studies authoritarians, tyrants and fascist leaders has said that the orange sociopath (my preferred term) plans on dying in the WH. One thing is pretty clear. He's not leaving unless someone makes him.
To everyone saying 'do something' and 'wake up', what are YOU doing? I would like to do something but one person can only do so much. (Doesn't help that I have social anxiety.) We need numbers & leadership, organization in all 50 states. People aren't going to act unless there's numbers & a plan.
We can’t hold out for four years. There probably won’t be a republic for us to save by the end of *this* year. Sometimes an extraconstitutional problem requires an extraconstitutional solution.
I've been saying this for a while. I had to make adjustments to my plans for the rest of my life with the understanding that the fascist era will last longer than I have left to live, even if I outlive my family average.
I’m on the side of we won’t “just get through”, rather we need to be consistent in our progression of opposition for the next however long it takes. It’s exhausting already, but it’s good work that needs doing.
We only hope there is an opposition in america that is growing because project 2025 calls for the imposition of martial law by the end of april-declaring an emerg at the border as pretext, then, suspending elections-americans still holding out for the mid-terms are deeply deluded. normal is over.
Yep - that is why I was annoyed at George Clooney on jimmy kimmel when he was like “hey - it will swing back in 4 years” real nonchalant. I was thinking dude - you have a ton of money to make it thru the economy tanking AND you don’t even live in the country anymore so sit the fuck down.
We don't have 2 years - the regime is moving at the speed of light. The impacts are already hitting our doorsteps - and piling up by the day/hour/minute. I appreciate that you always sound the "this isn't a joke, folks" alarms.
C'mon John. This is not a dictatorship, no matter how much he would like that. State gov'ts, judges, the people. Much good to be rallied. Waking up is the hard part.
We won't make it through the next 4 years if we don't stand up and fight! If all you can do is call Congress, or write a letter, do that. If you can carry a sign, do that. It doesn't have to be a huge thing. Just show your support for democracy and our Constitution any way you can.
True. Laws, the Constitution, the courts and elections be will soon be useless against this lawless, illegitimate, treasonous regime’s hostile takeover.
If I live through the next 4 years it will be a miracle because right now I'm looking at being 70, having to go back to work while being homeless and living in the woods of Maine.
Also, anyone thinking, "they've just said this, or done this because they're ignorant..." hasn't a clue of the actual truly nefarious intentions & malicious nature of these people.
I usually agree with Mr. Pavlovitz's comments and amazing writings and this comment is no exception. I do have a question though: WHAT DO WE DO? We holler at the Dems but what should they do? We have spent our life believing in a Democratic Republic so trying to find the right answers is hard.
Why would an American Admin. be making draconian 180-degree changes to foreign policy, trade policy, alliances, agreements & pacts that are today not being honored & a total divesting of post-war rules-based order infrastructure if they weren't CERTAIN their power will be permanent?
As if there will be an election in 4 yrs, or mid terms. Might have a charade russian style "election" show, but votes don't count no more. With all election suppression and current regime...that's all you get.
Exactly!!! I may not see a significant course correction in my lifetime, and I am 60. But, I will fight to the bitter end for my adult kids and their future children.
When I was working at our precinct one of the ladies (about 80) told me Kamala had to win because she knew there would be chaos otherwise. She said it would eventually get better but she wouldn't be alive to see it. At 69 I don't know if I will be. I'll fight to the end though.
Even if there is an election which is questionable, elon has control of everything that plugs into the wall right now so it would be like a Russian election
All these numbnuts saying we just need to focus on winning the midterms are truly missing the point. Controlling Congress won't mean anything if Trump already has control of all functions of the government.
Tr$mp told groups, vote me and you will never have to worry about voting again.
He lies so much, that occasionally he can spill the truth that no one will believe. We may have elections at all levels except the President; or if we do it will be on candidate on the ballot.
I'm convinced they rigged the 2024 election and the reason he yelled so much about the 2020 one is bc he wanted to make sure no one would cry foul about this one.
my sincerest hope is that Democrats, if they ever again regain just a modicum of power, go immediately for the MAGA jugular and never, ever let up. because the feckless naivete didn't work.
I know this is off the subject, but again, you're one of the people who I followed and followed me on Twitter. I have followed everybody I can think of, but unfortunately, on blue sky, I don't get followed back.
If we can't still stick together, then we've already lost.
Absolutely, the longer they remain in power the harder it will be to get them out. It feels like the only way will be if things get really bad and a dozen or so republicans agree to impeach him.
There are some of us who want to organize a citizen's arrest or something along those lines but we do not have money or other resources to get this done sooner than later. Could you help?
Anyone thinking we just have to "get through the next two/four years" are the ones willing to lay down and be steamrolled by everything this fascist administration does. Wake the fuck up!! Take action NOW!
We need to be the counter culture that says there are facts and that some things are true and some are not. We need to celebrate independent thought, even if we do not like what people think,
Absolutely. First, he's already floating the idea of a third term. Second, Trump's brand of fascism will live on. This is not a blip, the coup has happened.
There’s more than one way to fight, more than one race to run. Some of you have just been passed the baton; some of us are in a multigenerational marathon. A multi-pronged strategy is likely to work best. Some can focus on midterms; others can focus on more immediate battles.
Anyone thinking we can fix this with the mid-terms or a Dem Prez in 2028 is living in a fantasy world.
If it's fixable, it will take decades and rebuilding from the ground up.
They will fight EVERY attempt to bring it all back
Knowing Dems they will mealy mouth agree to compromises as they still can't find a strategy to CLEAR the board like Labour did in the UK vs Conservatives. Decimated them
The people of the UK deserve much better than the political leadership that they have IMHO.
Fake crisis and martial law?
Admittedly I don't know when our constitution provides suspension of elections. If a pandemic didn't do it, what will?
The next one, like a 3rd world dictatorship tactics. 99% of the vote!
1. You aren’t paying attention
2. You think the electorate suddenly became literate?
1. Dictators don't have term limits.
2. He's destroying the system so he can stay in power until he dies.
3. Conservatives have been working on this for 70 years. They're not going to give up power voluntarily.
News flash, there might not be another election, if we are all be doing this. Its time for everyone to stand up and fight for our democracy!
I heard someone on the news say, "Who knew it would be Donald Trump to bring democracy down?" Well, I was afraid of it, because I'm old and have known what he was since the early 1980's.
No 2028.
Looking at what he’s already done, imagine what more is destroyed in the next 2-4 weeks
There were 800k people there❗️
That March largely influenced the 2018 Midterms ❗️
The REASON there were that many people there was CLEAR ORGANIZATION..
Everyday people aren’t Apathetic❗️
They literally don’t know what to do & feel Overwhelmed❗️
If Social Media Influencers would concentrate their efforts in this area, the Sky is the Fucking Limit. 💜✊🏻💜
Also, I think you are amazing & I followed you on Twitter.
At a minimum, learn how to handle one in case you are ever handed one and need to use it to defend yourself.
They have absolutely no idea about the devastating destruction of the USA by Russian asset Trump and Nazi Musk
As long as they are not taken out they will for sure not leave 🤷🏻♀️
People should start to realize extremely fast that when they allow Russian asset Trump to stay their president it will the end of a free America
America will be totally destroyed and the smoking ruins will be like Russia
Your freedom will be gone 🤷🏻♀️
But they should go with the tens of millions on the street before it is to late and they are robbed slaves for the rest of their lives
Working across the aisle with maga is not a strategy. If I hear that from my House member or senator I will never support them again.
This is not a "work with maga moment".
It is a fuck maga moment.
Disable, depose, defeat, destroy.
Hardest on what can not be repaired
There are times when you must speak, not because you are going to change the opposing side, but because if you do not speak, they have changed you.
I guarantee you I AM paying attention.
Also, anyone thinking, "they've just said this, or done this because they're ignorant..." hasn't a clue of the actual truly nefarious intentions & malicious nature of these people.
Why would an American Admin. be making draconian 180-degree changes to foreign policy, trade policy, alliances, agreements & pacts that are today not being honored & a total divesting of post-war rules-based order infrastructure if they weren't CERTAIN their power will be permanent?
Remove him and his sharpie stupidity.
Exile his orange hogness and hoof him in the tush.
Tread on we the people you will pay.
Tread on these suckers and losers at your dismay.
He lies so much, that occasionally he can spill the truth that no one will believe. We may have elections at all levels except the President; or if we do it will be on candidate on the ballot.
no brakes, all gas
But neither is the concept that since it may take decades for this country to recover that there is nothing we can do now.
If we can't still stick together, then we've already lost.
pressure politicians
voting w/our dollar
working the problem
& voting
VA 2025 Gov & State Congressional elections
FL 2025
1st & 6th District Representaives
2026 Special Elections
OH Vance’s Senate seat
FL Rubio’s Senate seat
& #reclaimingOurDemocracy2026
2025 special election NY 21st
( Stefanik’s seat )