The reality, is that diversity, equity, and inclusion are at the very heart of the life, teachings, and existence of Jesus.
Christians fighting these things are rebelling against their supposed God and opposing their faith's namesake.
Christians fighting these things are rebelling against their supposed God and opposing their faith's namesake.
Their Lord said do not judge, that is for God
Yet they judge HER, who they will never meet or care about or help in any way
They not only take that judgement away from their God, but they want Caesar (the govt) to punish her
That whole faith of the centurion thing... Translated correctly, when the centurion was talking about his "servant," he was actually talking about his BELOVED.
"Just speak the word and I know HE will be healed."
And it happened.
THE SCIENCE IS PROVEN!! The determination as to whether a person is gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, queer or straight IS DETERMINED IN THE WOMB!
Love the Christian, hate the faulty religion and the judgemental assholes who claim to be Christian yet don't act like it.
Republicans are
High on stolen power!
but who is the real jesus? the one in your mind, and everyone else is wrong and folliws a false jesus
Women had no value in my church.
My husband could abuse me & "I needed to be better". Did they help anyone in need? No. They judged & shamed them.
I wanted a world filled with The Beatitudes.....I got fear, condemnation, judgment, & lasting hell preached
At all.
Both sides have their problems.
When in fact they are really evil.
Jesus was Middle Eastern, he was brown-skinned
White Jesus is, and always has been, a lie.