'If You Don't Care About The Ukrainian People, You're Not Pro-Life'
Or we send our sons & daughters over there, to fight, in the very near future !
Nothing quite like being the first dad on the block, to have your boy come home in a box !
You are willing for how many more casualties on both sides? Keep the war going in hopes it ends after Trump is out?
Sad to see people are willing to throw away lives over politics.
You cannot be pro-life and ignore the senseless killing of people.
It’s oxymoronic.
Republicans may be rolling over but you’ve the majority of Americans to deal with.
And Russians..
Stop feeding this war!
Stop the meat grinder!
One million plus casualties.. how many more do the warmongers want?
Get to the table for peace talks now!
The Ukraine people and children, alive, murdered, or stolen away into Russia, are of no value to Trump, his admin, and his supporters.
Allot of religious leaders are charlatans. But some are true men of God. They're usually humble, honest and humane. Wish u well
Palestinian lives matter also!
Netanyahu has cut their power after they return to their land.
The native Palestinians had a treaty in 1995 to have West Bank & Gaza, & to govern themselves.
It’s a genocide.
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I think we need to stop this cherade and turn this ⛵ around, what do you say?
Impeach the pee resident today.
Trying to stand on feeble attempts to rewrite history, those denying that Putin started the war and wages it inhumanely are soulless tools.
Just wondering guess we’ve devolved from the Arsenal of Democracy into the Arsenal of Hypocrisy