How many were involved in BLM or Occupy movements? Both were massive and sustained, and unfortunately, did not accomplish the toppling of the powers that be.
Please share!Make this go viral! We have to step up our game because our representatives are clearly not going to save us from this fast movingcoup! The only thing we really can do that's nonviolent is slow production. Cost them money. Don't get fired. Don't hurt anyone. But do more where youcan
Democrats have got to get it through their heads that norms and order were murdered by their opponents. 1st thing; the oligarch owned American media, national and local, are lined up against the Democratic candidates. We can't win if we are cut out of "local" media.
They need to form a block with the actual left wing as well, no more blocking AOC, Sanders etc, they need to be united. Because the right certainly are, they're not all fascists, but they'll work with them for their own gains.
Yes, we need to remove Trump from office. The time has come. He is destroying the rule of law in this country. We need to rise up and oppose his corrupt rule. He has already turned the U
As awful as it is to write it,I believe that the problem of Americans is that they never lived with a fascist for years,never had to daily suffer this atrocity.EU did,reason they don’t submit to Trump.Americans hope it can easily be reversed.It won’t.U don’t fight now,U will suffer for a long time 😔
And do what? Who am I shooting at? Local Politicians? The douche rollin coal down the blvd with the big maga pride flag off the back of his truck? What fort are we to take back to drive them out?
Like, if 54 million American households own guns (per data from Ammo) does MAGA really believe none of those are Democratic households? I mean, Dems own guns too you fuck faces.
Don't forget about local elections and the import of them in sparing democracy at that level, as it's how the GOP got such a strong foothold. This must be a resistance at every level of government!!
America is approximately 1 year away from Democrats being thrown into black vans, and two years from being thrown out windows. Declare martial law and sick the military on Dump. Have a public execution and hit the reset button.
Wishing you an easy transition. Our move over two years ago was exciting at first, and then it was more stressful than I'd imagined. We are struggling with the language (not giving up) but have many friends now (not all Americans, thankfully) so we're much more settled. Good luck! 🌍
If/when GOP looses the midterm elections in 2026 the 🍊💩 will scream FRAUD and order FBI, DHS, DOJ to step in and annul the election and declair martial law.
And the lunatics will have proof of fraud next time -> they will manufactor it themselves.
If the inflation and unemployment comes quickly enough and is severe enough then the fascists will get voted out: not because they are fascists but because they are incompetent.
130 MILLION American adults read at/below 6th grade level. The number will grow exponentially in 4 years. Under-educated will outnumber the rest of us. You may be right, voting alone by educated citizens isn't going to do it. Fascists have the "golden ticket". Lie, lie, lie & keep 'em un-educated.
I do believe, if enough of the under-educated TFG supporters lose their jobs ... they may decide TFG is bad for them & the country. Fingers crossed as this seems to be a real possibility. Elon / tRump are hellbent on firing hundreds of thousands of people.
Lose their jobs, lose their healthcare, schools lose federal funding, inflation is going to continue to get worse, red states rely on Medicaid & will see funding disappear. Utah already begging Trump admin not to cut federal jobs.
The way a lot of Dem Congressmen have been acting makes me wonder if they are now complicit in setting up a faux democracy a la Russia's system now. Something like "play along and we'll ensure you always have your prestigious (and profitable) seat" within a perpetual Dem minority in Congress.
Yep. Check their donors. We know that hakeem jeffries is bought by blackrock and aipac. He's not really working to end this. He's got a book tour, dontchaknow.
Exactly. It should be unacceptable to every American that our representatives in Congress somehow become 1%er wealthy multi-millionaires just by being there in DC.
Looking from afar 🇦🇺 , frankly, Democrats had the power. They knew.
Nevertheless US peeps can’t sit back there and blame the Democrats. Be very sure they’re not going to save you now coz they could have when they should have.
You mean because Trump wasn't put in prison for trying to overthrow the govt. right? Yes, very much agree with that. Trump should have been arrested the day authorities received the tape of him trying extort Georgia state officials to rig the election for him.
That and a whole host of ridiculous decisions.
They were powerless when they had power.
Not protecting your voting. Garland, DeJoy, etc etc, not being a total badass about Putin from the outset … FFS the whole world knew about trump being Putin’s guy. They knew.
I keep thinking about how our military generals reacted to Trump at that state of the union speech the other night. Those guys looked GRIM and were downright frosty when Trump shook their hands. They know. Bad things are coming.
The most senior Democrats are dependent on wealthy and corporate contributors and are afraid to offend them. In 2020, a group of Wall Street bigwigs actually told them that neither Warren nor Sanders was an acceptable candidate. With Dems like that, who needs Russians?
Fascism was defeated in 2020 when America had still watchdogs against lunatics....In 2028 you wont have nothing anymore. You will have to fight to get your democracy back. I mean out of your home and your zone of comfort...You let the fascist Wolf enter the Oval Office...You will have to chase him..
This is a joke right...Do you really think this man gives a sh...about your midterms after what he did in january 2021 ? Are you dumber than he is ?....
It works pretty well and it's good cardio too! 🙂
We've been shown there are too many stupid people that have allowed Nazis to take over.
“When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.”
Time for massive boycotts. Hit them where it hurts.
And I do mean also through all the voter suppression and gerrymandering.
Then there's the tough question of using that power to de-Nazi the country.
Painful but better than letting things continue.
And the lunatics will have proof of fraud next time -> they will manufactor it themselves.
Nevertheless US peeps can’t sit back there and blame the Democrats. Be very sure they’re not going to save you now coz they could have when they should have.
They were powerless when they had power.
Not protecting your voting. Garland, DeJoy, etc etc, not being a total badass about Putin from the outset … FFS the whole world knew about trump being Putin’s guy. They knew.
I bet you are capable of finding a replacement statement that inspires rather than infuriates…