Before FoxNews, Franklin Graham, and MAGA propaganda, I could meet them in the common ground of our shared faith in Jesus and in the clarity of objective truth. It now seems they no longer have use nor tolerance for such things.
Sadly, my only living brother and I have parted ways, which I believe will last our lifetimes.
I grieve for the way things were.
It was at this time that my eyes opened to the hypocrisy and made me reevaluate other assumptions I had.
Unfortunately at the
I could no longer find fellowship in the local church. It was like there was a ferocious creature hovering in our midst and almost everyone was blind to
When I tried to speak out I realized that their words saying that it was okay to question things only meant it was okay to question as long as my eventual conclusion matched the one they expected out of me.
When it didn’t I lost them.
I lost blood family in this mess. Some went full MAGA and others became lukewarm and were afraid to make waves. They didn’t like the waves I was trying to make.
I am confident though that I am following what Jesus would do…that I am on the side of right.
He refused. He might angrily yell an "ARE YOU F****** HAPPY?!" IF Blue wins 2028. I'll cry-smile and say, "Hell yeah...! You made your choice, but I made mine...!"
Calming the peasants before the wealthiest necks become too ripe is a real thing.
They are betting on Jesus to spare them.