Regrettably it's not just the illiterate that watch Fox and believe what they see and hear. I've spent the majority of my life working with surgeons. You'd be hard pressed to find a more educated group of people and yet MAGAts could be found among them. Loyal Fox viewership the common denominator.
Well educated in their field of expertice; surgery, but dumb as rocks when it comes to common sense issues. I know a few professionals that fit that bill.
No disagreement. They're not all MAGAts. I know many atheist surgeons that are quietly charitable but they're the minority.
Too many are bitter and angry. They don't make as much $$$ as they feel they're entitled to. These are usually MAGAts.
Yes, they come from all types of groups from political, religous and those that just don't interact with other members of society. Not everyone is an A student lol
Amen to that!
I used to try to explain things to them, but realized they only want to attack you. They live in their own delusion, where plain as day facts don't matter!
Actually that sounds like the kind of propaganda that kills democracy. Fight. Fight like your life depends on it. These Fox News fucktards aren’t to be dismissed they have to be addressed. It’s very fucking arrogant to think that just ignoring them makes them go away.
We have enough drama being played out each and EVERY week day.. riding the trump dementia rollercoaster.
If only, someone could convince “the king” to play golf for longer stretches. To take it easy. I’ve noticed he tends to act out when he’s tired or maybe didn’t sleep well
Yeah. But that is some people’s family you’re talking about. Their parents. Their siblings. So sad. Fox News has done so much damage to our country and our humanity. Kills me.
It's all going by in a flash. Can't keep abreast of it. Live your little part as best you can. Remember God is no respecter of persons, He is pleased with us when unseen we do what He made us to do which is love. Only God sees our before and our after. It is with Him our lives are recorded.
I always use this clip of Billy Porter as a reminder of why it’s important to not engage with idiots. Apologies for the link to Zuckbook, but couldn’t find the clip elsewhere.
Life is a brief flash of consciousness, then eternal darkness. No fairy tales, no afterlife. Yet, so many are consumed by the toxic grip of greed, hoarding wealth, living in constant fear of loss. What’s the real price of dying with nothing but regret?
I agree. I've come to understand that I cannot change the minds of these cult members. Instead, I am now focusing on those who are unaware of what is happening and those who see it but choose to remain inactive.
I'm so sorry. I hadn't known what that was like much. Within the last few days, though, I found out an old friend is one of "them". I am so repulsed and sad. Our relationship is in the chipper.
To be fair, you are going to need MAGA voters and pols if you are ever going to fix this shit. I don't know if this is the message of today. Maybe tomorrow, but not today.
The MAGAts that have lost or will lose their jobs and benefits might change their views but the reality is we don't need them. We do need 93+ million to put their phones down and pay attention.
Not they won't, not all of them, not all the MAGA voters or pols, unless you prosecute them for sedition. don't blame phones, blame yourselves for not making this important to everyone. Maybe you need to make voting mandatory.
Today's technology allows people to cocoon and isolate from reality. So many won't put it down EVEN WHEN THEY'RE DRIVING. A symptom though not the cause.
Absolutely, voting should be as mandatory as paying taxes. We all have skin in the game. Keep in mind, we are extremely undereducated.
I have a better idea. We are here at this time to reach our highest consciousness and to help others find theirs. We are here to experience and be part of the Devine feminine moment when it happens.
And what is an opposing point of view doing for them? The point of the original post is they will NEVER change their minds. Why waste time on them. Focus on a younger person just beginning to pay attention. Or someone who doesn’t vote because they don’t feel it counts. Those are worth your time.
I don't know. I've talked one or two around. Many MAGA are bigots and knew exactly what they were voting for. But some are plain ignorant. Those are worth talking to
One in particular, a guy I met through a game we both play. I asked him why he voted Trump. He explained. Mostly ignorance: "America first", "Democrats are extreme left", "illegal immigrants", "don't know Harris", "time for a change". I kept the door for conversation open,
pushing back as much as he would listen to. Every time he logged on, I'd greet him with "good evening, and fuck Trump". He'd reply "greatest president ever". Over the course of a couple of weeks and several more conversations, he became more open to listening to me about it.
There are always natural consequences to actions. MAGA responds to natural consequences and not intellectual conversation. Let them touch the fire. They have said they are with Trump and Elon giving them hard times after all. You can’t fix stupid. You can laugh at it from a safe distance. 👍
This is why I go to National Parks and wildlife refugees on the weekends. Get a healthy dose of the natural world before having to go back to the inanity of the politics we have twisted ourselves into.
I stead, waste half your day, every day, echoing what the media has told you to say and what names to call the president, what lies to spread, etc. Have fun trying to keep this up for the next 4...8...12 years.
Anyone who thinks Fox is real news is brainwashed and stupid! MAGA cult accomplices are incapable of any critical thinking and willingly go along with whatever madness their STUPID CULT leader dictates. Definitely a waste of time to argue with MAGA cult fools, their ego can’t admit any mistakes!
Sounds like someone who likes to hear the sound of their own voice talking to someone it will make no difference. Brings back the old meme of wetting yourself. Gives you a warm feeling, but does nothing.
If arguing means getting agry and yelling at someone, then by all means don't do it. But, if it it means calmly and rationally having a back and forth conversation to better understand the other side and try to get them to think more critically, then yes we need to f'ing argue.
"Devil's Advocate" here: What is the OP if not an exact, perfect example of a culture war take?
I admit; the meme FEELS true to me as a liberal voter. It feels even MORE true to me as an atheist. But what it absolutely IS: a broadside, faceless attack that deflects anger away from ELON/DOGE/TRUMP
I think the denizens of Blue sky have done a PHENOMENAL JOB in NOT feeding trolls. I see trolls from time to time posting… ZERO responses to their BS, and it’s clear that everyone is blocking/ignoring them. It’s AMAZING.
No wait. Better idea. Fuck that guy.
Too many are bitter and angry. They don't make as much $$$ as they feel they're entitled to. These are usually MAGAts.
I used to try to explain things to them, but realized they only want to attack you. They live in their own delusion, where plain as day facts don't matter!
Circle ⭕️ talking
They are not cult members.
Talk social security and democracy with them to get them engaged
We have enough drama being played out each and EVERY week day.. riding the trump dementia rollercoaster.
If only, someone could convince “the king” to play golf for longer stretches. To take it easy. I’ve noticed he tends to act out when he’s tired or maybe didn’t sleep well
I'd also ask myself "if I was at a dinner and explained why I care about this thing, would I be horribly embarrassed?"
And the answer would almost always be yes
Absolutely, voting should be as mandatory as paying taxes. We all have skin in the game. Keep in mind, we are extremely undereducated.
it confuses them.
"Now a study proves that people who watch the nonsense on the channel really do go stupid."(Süddeutsch Zeitung)
Agnorant AND Stupid
I admit; the meme FEELS true to me as a liberal voter. It feels even MORE true to me as an atheist. But what it absolutely IS: a broadside, faceless attack that deflects anger away from ELON/DOGE/TRUMP
KEEP. IT. UP. ✊🏻