Or. Buy it from Audible, then download OpenAudible https://openaudible.org/ This converts your proprietary Audible files to MP3s so you can listen to them anywhere. You won’t need the Audible app at all. You will need a way to listen, but VLC is great for that.
If buying isn't owning, then pirating isn't stealing. I like to go the middle road, I buy a game, I get the privilege to pirate it.
If bought for platform A, I will pirate it for platform B.
Agreed. If I buy a printed book it is mine. I can read it. I can share/give it to a friend, family etc. With my e-books or audio books, I am fine with it being illegal for me to give away/sell but it's bullshit for me to only be able to access it from proprietary seller's app.
After I've legally paid for a thing it's mine. I'm not talking about Netflix where you pay for the service, not the movies, but if I buy a game or movie, then I own that copy. I don't see that anyone has a right to complain if I copy it to my computer for easy listening/viewing/playing.
I'd say that buying the physical version of a CD (as an example) and then dumping the files is the way to go. If there isn't a physical release however...
If bought for platform A, I will pirate it for platform B.