Whooping cough has made a comeback as more parents and their babies weren’t vaccinated.
A polio case was recently discovered in a 20 year old.
The health eco system is fragile with more unvaccinated and isolated infecting the public
A polio case was recently discovered in a 20 year old.
The health eco system is fragile with more unvaccinated and isolated infecting the public
Funny, a heroin IV user for 14 years and he trusted his drug dealers and he never questioned the drug dealers,
Medical Science Expertise?
Vaccines come from Medical Science Experts and he doesn’t trust them? Moron!
#Vaccines #GotPolioShot
#InaugurationBlackOut #USDemocracy
He was filing legal briefs & high most of those days.
Bobby also said he had youthful indiscretions.
He wasn’t a youth in 1999 at age 45 assaulting his babysitter
Recently I had a cold virus, that would come and go several days for a month until this week I wonder about weird Covid side effects I have had too.