Red Dead Redemption (2010) 6/10
Filled with fetch quests and errands, until the last 1/4. Actually got teary-eyed. Dull horseback rides which quick travel doesn't fix. They try and liven up the world with events to mildly positive success. It's not great when Marston controls worse than the horse.
Filled with fetch quests and errands, until the last 1/4. Actually got teary-eyed. Dull horseback rides which quick travel doesn't fix. They try and liven up the world with events to mildly positive success. It's not great when Marston controls worse than the horse.
Very visually striking. But less effective than 'Milk Inside'. I can't really justify my reasoning. That one felt so vivid and personal. This had a budget and a team, but felt almost made for committee. Still interesting enough.
Beautifully realized dioramic environments, to the point you almost forget it wasn't created FOR it. Camera not so much. Lots of reuse, even accounting for outside the game. Do not try and complete it! Child-like wonder, toy sized puzzles. Easy recommend.
It's decent. Just far from the first picross like title I'd recommend to newcomers. Soundtrack became repetitive from second one. An intended accessibility feature was just distracting, and mildly annoying. Couldn't disable it for some reason.
Not really a good game at least mechanically speaking. Fun, funny and some rotten gags even for 2011. It mixes so many seemingly contradictory themes and ideas. Such a unique vibe. Filler boss fights. For the sequel i *just* want them to tighten gameplay elements and feel.
It's good, you know that. I just didn't care to play more than those ten some such runs. The increasing difficulty levels felt very discouraging against experimentation. Don't know what else to add. At this point if you haven't played it, you probably wouldn't like it anyways.
The open-world formula works here better than most because it's fun to navigate, the chaotic loop of jumping vehicles because of often conflicts helps a lot. Humor lands more than not for something this reference loaded. Has a pretty perfect capstone to the story.