OMG Collins just sits there and lets Rounds say that they have to get the economy rolling again. America has the strongest economy in the world. Just brutal. CNN is MAGA. This is why we don't watch. Turned it on to update on fires. Off again.
...but make sure Scott "Li'l Chuck Woolery" Jennings isn't there unless is available to call him the f-ing liar he is to his f-ing face.
oh yes while grocery prices are expensive n every day items going up . u in the media wanted this a felon rapist fascist who doesn’t care about anything except himself. u guys did this by normalizing shrugging off his garbage here racist crap . still won’t watch your network.
Narcissists want and demand to be in control, and their sense of entitlement makes it seem logical to them that they should be in control of everything.
He is a humiliation of this country to the world.
Next, he has no agenda to address real problems.
Third, fascist MAGA has introduced expansionist plans for Canada & Greenland. It wishes to glorify an imperialist US under a fascist leader.
At best these people are ignorant and misguided as is their demigod leader.
Who could be offended?