had people said it was? i guess you saying this gives me the vision of a person who thinks youre implying the centrist democrats were correct but you would NEVER agree with them so i would never assume you meant that
idk theres people on this site who reply to any post mentioning politics assuming the person who made it is a US liberal talking about the democratic party, theres like two or three replies like that to the OP
noooo watering myself will definitely work i just have to distill my personality down just a little bit more eventually itll work it hasnt yet but i promise im almost there
I've said for years that democrats are the nerd reading the book of proper boxing etiquette and republicans are stuffing their gloves with rusty nails.
Only to get in my biggest battle after, learning HR is in place to protect the company not the employee.
You WILL get You Have Outlived Your Usefulnessed eventually.