shitler is looking for a peace prize. He doesn't care about peace - he wants the accolade because Obama got one. He's a seditious traitor. A Russian asset.A POS!!
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Good luck having the nomination approved!!!
"NobelPiece(of shit)prize"
He wins that award! 🎖️🏆🎊
Just shows what magatidiots are out there!!🤬🤬🤬
He just wants to prove he can do better that Obama, because …. You know, right ?
Crazy how it is easy to go under agent Krasnov’s skin .
Sounds totally insane, right? Also sounds not too far off par for '25.
52 tops
(Seriously, that prize has been given to some *seriously* bad individuals.)
He's a vengeful moron.
He knows nothing about anything. It's pathetic.
That includes every swing voter in the 5 Swing States that gave him absolute power.
Trump is a pathetic little child with a bloated ego that he must masterbate continuously. Trump is a sick piece of shit and only wants these awards to message his frail and delicate ego so he can get his mentally ill rocks off like he just orgasmed.
even if he somehow managed to arm-twist Ukraine into signing an unjust peace treaty this year, it would be Zelensky getting the prize, not him