Rosenbaum screamed "if I catch any of you guys alone tonight, I'm going to fucking kill you", and Rittenhouse testifies he heard Ziminski yell "kill him" towards Rosenbaum as he was running at Rittenhouse.
That ISN'T "the nut of it". Not even close. He had EVERY right to be there as did everyone else. Just as much Gaige Grosskreutz did (who brought a Glock). He was legally there in every aspect. Was legally carrying as well (Judge threw the gun charge out).
MORALLY, should he have been there? Probably not. He is a 16 year old kid, probably shouldn't have been going to an active riot zone with shit on fire. NO ONE should have been there. None of this should have happened.
Rittenhouse tripped at one point, falling to the ground. Maurice Freeland jump kicked Rittenhouse, and he shot back, missing. Anthony Huber struck Rittenhouse with his skateboard, and grabbed his gun. Rittenhouse shot him in the chest, killing him.
Rittenhouse was still on the ground, and Gaige Paul Grosskreutz approached him with a pistol in hand. He held his hands up as Rittenhouse pointed at him. Grosskreutz then pointed his gun at Rittenhouse and Rittenhouse shot him in the arm and got up and fled to the police with arms raised.
So, you are incorrect. Two of the men Rittenhouse shot where carrying weapons. One used a skateboard and struck Rittenhouse in the shoulder/neck/head, the other pointed a pistol at him. The other was screaming, and grabbed his gun barrel. The fourth who Rittenhouse missed, had jump kicked him.
According to a McGinniss, Rosenbaum yelled "fuck you" and grabbed Rittenhouse's gun barrel, Rittenhouse fired four times and killed him.
Videos show people yelling "Beat him up!", "he shot someone!", and "Get him!" as Rittenhouse fled the scene.