I do it multiple times a week, but get no joy out of it. I wonder what I’m missing. I can do way more push-ups than before, but I’m still side-eyeing weights. I’m not flexible and I’m long, so those might be factors.
Have you tried yin yoga to increase your flexibility? That’s helped me a ton. Also, while I’m not tall, I have really long legs and a short torso so I minimize squatting heavy weights. Experiment and find the lift that’s right for you 💜
Do you train very hard? I noticed that I started enjoying gym training after I began to push my limits, which seems to result in a bigger endorphine-high.
Feeling physically strong often helps me feel mentally strong. Pushing these physical limits serves as small reminders that I’m often capable of more than I originally thought I was.
I so agree. Not only do you have the physical endorphins, but also the mental satisfaction of meeting a hard challenge and overcoming it. In the working world, there are so many issues I can’t resolve; I can go lift some weights and get that sense of closure.
It’s a great feeling. I’ve been lifting almost everyday for a few months. Biggest motivation has been more easily picking my kids up and tossing them around.
Lifting weights causes a short term increase in testosterone.
*Naturally* increasing testosterone in women can lead to increased sex drive and feelings of wellness. In men it can decrease anxiety, irritability, and lethargy.👍🏿
Might require a spotter for the last 1-2 reps.
It's such a simple task that and scratches the right part of the brain
Lifting weights causes a short term increase in testosterone.
*Naturally* increasing testosterone in women can lead to increased sex drive and feelings of wellness. In men it can decrease anxiety, irritability, and lethargy.👍🏿
So endorphins yes. But also testosterone.